|24| Words With Friends (With Benefits)

77 3 112

(A/N) I'm sorry the Niall and Emily parts are so short. I just don't really know how to conclude their part in this story tbh.

I feel bad because I haven't wrote a scene for Harry and Lauren in a while

...but trust me when I say the wait will have been worth it. ;)))

(lowkey this is the most smut I've ever written oml I was so weak writing this i'm going to hell)


This is an explicit chapter y'all. Like it could be more explicit, it could be less explicit as well.

But yeah.

Katie's POV:

"Ugh, I'm so tired. I can't remember the last time I was this tired." I complained and wandered aimlessly about the room until miraculously I arrived at the foot of the couch and slumped into it. "My feet are killing me." Groaning, I somehow pulled off my shoes in two quick motions and threw them onto the rug.

Louis locked the front door before joining me on the couch. We were out almost the entire night. First we had to wait for Simon to drive back to the event hall to pick up his bag, then we drove all the way to Liam's place first which is in the opposite direction of our house. After dropping them off we were finally allowed to go home.

Just as we both closed our eyes, my phone began ringing to the tune of a Katy Perry song that I couldn't even recognize due to being this far past the state of exhaustion.

We both groaned simultaneously and I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"Kaaatie..." Louis glared at me, hoping I wouldn't answer it but I ignored him and leaned forward to read the caller ID. It was my sister. "Come on, don't answer it." He pleaded.

"It's Angel, I have to answer it." I explained in a very awake sounding voice.

"Why would your sister call this early? Doesn't she know the time difference yet?" Louis asked.

I nodded and stared down at the phone in my hands. "She does which is why I have to answer it. She wouldn't call this early for no good reason." I stood up and fixed my bangs a little before accepting the video call. "Hi, sis." I said with a smile. Even at 5am I can still muster the strength to greet my sister with a smile.

"What's going on? Why won't you answer my texts?" Angel asked seriously.

"Texts?" I questioned and paced around nervously. "I uh, I guess I haven't checked my phone. Sorry."

"Sorry? Katie, when you left you promised you would always check your messages so I didn't worry! You know how much I worry!"

"I'm sorry, it was a really long night."

"Did you get hit by a car?"

I wasn't paying attention where I was walking, as I always did when I paced around while on the phone, and tripped over my shoes that I'd foolishly left in the middle of the floor. "A- what?" I asked after regaining some balance.

"A car! Ashton and I were facetiming and Sasha came over telling me everyone on Twitter has got this idea you've been hit by a car and people are asking me questions and trending things and it really bothers me when I don't even know myself!" Angel does this thing where she forgets to use periods and end her sentences sometimes.

"Angel calm down, it's okay." Sitting back down beside Louis on the couch, I tried to make my voice seem calm in order to get Angel to cool down.

"Yeah, simmer down." Louis said and grinned as if he was brilliant for making that pun before realizing how tacky that sounded. Both Angel and I were staring at him now. "Sorry, I'm delirious." He said shamefully.

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