|9| Old Mistakes

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(A/N) I'm sorry I haven't been updating much lately. It's been hard to concentrate with all the fandom drama. I'm so sad and afraid Zayn will leave. Everyone was bullied him too much, it's gone too far for too long. They're taking a 2 month break after April 4th (I think) so hopefully Zayn will be well by then.

And I hope Louis is alright too.

Louis' POV:

We were exposed to the elements of nature in the back of the jeep and it began raining on us. Katie laid against my chest and buried her face in the crook of my neck. She was shivering and I held her as tightly against me as possible to keep her warm and dry. Zayn had sacrificed his jacket and draped it over Perrie's shoulder and head. Harry just sat there, holding his knees and staring blankly at the passing trees around us.

"I'm sick of being transported back and forth like animals." Perrie broke the silence. I looked at her as she spoke but no one bothered to say anything in response.

We finally stopped at a bizarre colored building. It was very randomly painted with ran stripes of colors.

Wait, this isn't Vosloo's headquarters? Unless he has a second building apart from the one we were at.

Now that I think about it, the guys that arrested us were in different uniforms than the ones we'd seen before.

I'm officially confused.

The jeep stopped and we were all forcefully pulled from the jeep and into the building. I was a bit grateful to get out of the rain but I had no idea where we were now?

"Why have you arrested us?" Harry asked the obvious as we were thrown into yet another jail cell.

The guard said nothing until he closed the door on us. "Captain wants to see you. I'll be back with him." The guard spoke shortly to us and walked off.

Perrie groaned in frustration and turned to us. "Has anyone else realized we're at a completely different place than before?" She asked.

"Yes, I noticed that." Harry said. Zayn mumbled a 'yes' and I nodded.

Katie began to pace around a bit. "I think we all picked up on that right away." She said as she crossed her arms.

They really wasted no time. Just a few minutes later and the guard was back but...who was he back with?

"Uh, who are you?" I asked as the guard unlocked our cell and let the supposed 'Captain' in.

"Oh, don't play dumb with me!" The man shouted. "You know who I am! I'm the one you were sent to spy on!"

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