|4| Terroism

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Iwaizumeme_Hajimeme contributed LOADS to this (mostly the Phan and Emily parts) SO THANK YOU GAL A TON.



Go read SnehalStyles' Harry fanfic called Calm Terror. She only just started it but it's fab.


Vanessa_luvs1d has a great story called All Of A Prank Call. It's so good read it and help her get reads because she's nice as hell and so talented!


Emily's POV:

So, somehow, I let Phil convince me into coming back to his and Dan's apartment. I mean, he's not exactly a stranger, he's Phil from Youtube. Who I spent a lot of my time focussed on in my spare time. Katie would be screaming right now if she knew I was in his house. Of course, she doesn't know because my 'boyfriend' won't let me talk to her.

He flicked on the lights and threw down his umbrella as I scoped out the place. It looked exactly the same as it did in his video. I could just squeal.

"Where's Dan?" I asked.

"He'll be back soon." Phil answered and gestured for me to turn around. He took my jacket off and hung it up on the coat rack behind us.

"Thanks." I smiled at him and he smiled in return.

"You can sit down if you want, I'm not gonna rape you. Unless you want me to?" He joked and I shook my head at him.

We both sat down on his couch and he stared at me anxiously. "So tell me your story?"

"You promised me lunch?" I demanded and held my head high.

Phil sighed with a grin and pulled out his cell phone. "Cheese? Peperoni?"

"Pineapple." I smiled. Pineapple...Niall and I always got pineapple when we ordered pizza. I pushed that thought to the back of my head and brushed a strand of hair from my face.

"I love pineapple, perfect!" He clicked away on his phone, I assume he was ordering from the app, and slid it back in his pocket, focusing his attention on me once again. "So. Story?"

I told him the story of my life, no pun intended, and he listened anxiously. It was weird to think that someone like Phil with a successful Youtube channel and radio show would actually want to talk to someone like me and be so interested. I don't care if I'm dating Niall and I'm friends with One Direction and Karen Gillan, I'll never accept the fact that I deserve any of this or see myself as anything but that nerd and internet freak in school.

"Don't say it like it's a bad thing. I'm an internet freak too, as you can tell, we're one in the same." Phil smiled and I froze. How much of that did I say out loud?

"So everything is true then, all the rumors about your dad? He really kidnapped you and Niall?"

"Yeah...we try not to talk about it though. Modest likes us to pretend like it never happened." I explained.

He pretended to zip his mouth shut and toss the key and I laughed at him.

I felt uncomfortable suddenly. I don't know if it was because I had just poured my heart out to someone I just met, because I've opened myself up to be judged by someone whom I respect and admire as much as Phil, or perhaps because I feel a bit like cheating on Niall just sitting in Phil's house. I mean, sure we're not getting along at the moment but we're still a couple but I don't cheat. That's not me. "You know, I should probably go.", I said, standing up and clutching my purse to my hip.

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