|27| Cool Kids

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(A/N): I keep forgetting to write a/n's in these.

So One Direction are on a break how is everyone feeling? Are we all alive? Are we okay? Are we gonna make it, fam?

I have decided there will actually be 34 chapters of Civil. No more and no less. I think that's a good number.

I keep saying I'm gonna dedicate a chapter to Iwaizumeme_Hajimeme but I was gonna wait until I got to a chapter with volleyball homos but NAH I'M GONNA GO AHEAD AND DEDICATE THIS ONE TO HER BECAUSE SHE'S HELLA.


and maybe since i gave her a shoutout she will actually remember she loves me and will comment on this chapter.

Harry's POV:

Tonight we're doing something nice. The boys and I had scheduled a rehearsal to soundcheck some new songs with the band before we get back on tour in the upcoming weeks. Lauren's parents had never even heard of One Direction before so they were thrilled when I suggested they come watch the rehearsal so they could hear a couple of our songs. (I know, I'm shamelessly hoping to impress them.)

We hadn't sang together as a group in, what felt like, quite a while. It would be nice to sing again with the boys after everything that's happened lately.

I told Zayn over the phone this morning (he's the only one that actually answers his phone when I call) that I was bringing Lauren to rehearsal tonight and he suggested we all go out to dinner afterwards. Zayn isn't a huge planner for everyday things like meals or events but he seemed to have the evening well thought out. I wonder if he had some type of plan for tonight?

"So, who all is going to be here? I mean, aside from the the other guys." Lauren asked as I lead her back into the large studio. There were many instruments scattered around, large speakers, tangled webs of cords all over the floor, and soundproofed walls covered in foam and cushions.

"I think um, oh watch your step." I said, gesturing to the cords on the floor. "Yeah, I think Katie and Emily might show up. You haven't met Emily, have you?" I asked and Lauren shook her head in response. "I'm sure Katie will introduce you."

"I'm kind of excited to see Katie again. I feel like her and I started our friendship out in such a weird way. I'm a little worried what she thinks of me." Lauren had completely stopped walking to explain her feelings to me.

I turned to her and held her hands in front of me. "Katie is nice to everyone. You have nothing to worry about." I smiled reassuringly and she nodded. "You look beautiful, darling."

"Thanks." She blushed and looked down.

"Oh, Lauren!" I heard the very recognizable voice of Katie shout from clear across the room. Lauren and I looked to the side simultaneously to see the girl rushing towards us.

"Hey!" Lauren said happily when Katie reached us. I let go of her hands and let Katie do what she does best, grab the poor girl and squeeze the life out of her in a tight bear hug.

"How have you been? Has Harry been showing you around properly?" Katie asked, looking from her to me.

Lauren looked at me while she answered. "Yeah, we've had a nice time actually." She blushed and looked back to Katie. "How are you guys doing? Staying out of trouble?"

"Oh, God, no. We've gotten in loads of trouble already." Katie said casually.

Lauren chuckled and then looked behind her for her family. "Oh, I should probably figure out where my parents and my brother are. I imagine they're tangled in cords." She said, gesturing to the mess of wires and cables around us.

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