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Emily's POV:

Liam really knew how to pick a club honestly and we all were quite happy there. Except Katie who was still really shocked after what happened yesterday. I felt sad for her but she didn't want to talk about it.

Everyone was having fun at least. Sophia couldn't come but Liam kept Katie company most of the time. I was dragged off in every direction away from those two by either Liam's friends or Sasha.

Fireball by Pitbull came on but of course it was some noisy remix of it. I started walking off the floor and back to a chair to sit this song out when I noticed Phil.

He was sitting across the room making out with some trampy dressed blonde.

I dropped my shoulder and sighed. I even laughed at myself for being so silly.

What was I silly for? Liking him? Yeah I guess that's it.

Niall snuck up behind me, noticing that I was watching Phil and his infidelity. He threw his arms around me, making me squeal in surprise and began loudly slurring out the words to one of his songs. "Would he say he's in L-O-V-E, well if it was me than I would..." He cracked himself up and couldn't finish the next line.

"It's so corny when you sing your own songs." I laughed at him and pushed him off me so I could look at him.

"Why don't we get out of here?" He asked and set his drink down. I glanced back at Phil and then turned to Niall and nodded. "Great!" he grabbed my hand and we literally ran out of the club together. We ran down the street, just laughing deliriously at absolutely nothing but our clumsy selves.

We passed by a gas station and Niall stopped. "Let's get some real food." He said and we began walking towards the door.

"If by real food you mean chips and chocolate than I guess you've found the right place." I mocked his choice and he laughed.

"Ooh!" Niall stopped before we reached the front door and ran over to a Grab It machine along the side. He dumped some change into it from his pocket and then turned to me with a huge grin.

I scoffed at him and leaned against the side of it. "Please, no one wins these things."

"I betcha I can win on the first try."

"I wouldn't bet that you could win at all let alone the first try!" I laughed mockingly and he ignored me.

He spent a solid 20 minutes at the machine trying to win the stuffed cat.


"One more time, one more time, I can get this!" He dripped more change into the machine and bit his lip as he went in for another try.

I shook my head at him. "Okay, seriously, it's stuck under the crab and the llama, you can't get it!"

"I can too!" The machine made a depressing sound effect, meaning Niall had failed once more. "You know what, I'll show you." Niall jumped onto the ground and tried sticking his hand up inside the machine.

"Niall!" I scolded him and laughed in surprise he was so bold to try stealing the stuffed animal. "It's just a stuffed cat, Niall!"

Suddenly a chubby black man emerged from the gas station, looking very unhappy with us.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" He scolded us and Niall quickly jumped up and acted innocent.

"N-nothing." He said and crossed his arms.

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