|19| Somebody To Love

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Angel's POV:

"So, anyway, Luke was holding my hand like a 5 year old because he was so scared!"

"Oh my!" I laughed as I looked at the smiling face of Ashton on my computer screen. He was laughing so hard at his own story you couldn't help but smile too. I only wish he was here in person though, but talking through Skype is as good as we can manage for now.

"It was the first time we were mauled by fans so we didn't know what to expect. It was pretty embarrassing! Calum was actually crying! Michael kept asking them to stop pulling his hair. Someone ripped my shirt. Needless to say after that our security nearly doubled!" Ashton continued his story.

"Guess they didn't expect you guys to have so many fans so quickly?" I asked.

"No, they didn't at all! I don't think they realized how big we were in America yet."

I shook my head in disappointment. "Some fans are just crazy."

"Yeah, but we don't mind." Ashton smiled and tilted his head. "So what are you doing for your birthday?" He changed the subject all of a sudden.

"I don't think I'm doing anything, actually."

"Aww, why not?"

"None of my friends are around so I'll probably just stay in tomorrow." I said with a forced smile. This was the first time I've been alone for my birthday. Katie is off somewhere on tour with Louis I imagine, Emily is still in London or Ireland or somewhere across the pond, Sasha and Levi got transferred to the midwest to help a small town recover from tornado damage, and I'm sat all alone in my dorm room. It was a bit sad but I'm glad all my friends are off pursuing their dreams. Only one more months of college until I can start pursuing my own.

"Your parents?" He asked.

"They sent me a card with $50 in it. I think that's a sign they don't want company. They're really busy anyway. They are remodeling Katie's room into an office space. Took them a long time to accept the fact Katie isn't coming back."

"Katie isn't in town anymore?" Ashton asked.

"Nah, she wasn't here long. She went back with Louis." I half laughed.

Ashton grinned and shook his head at the thought of them. He looked back up to me and his face became serious. "Wish I could see you."

"They really won't let you leave?"

"Nope. Management has all the time I have in L.A. planned out for writing new music. I wish I could just sneak out of the hotel and hang out with you." He stared right into the camera as he spoke.

I blushed a little and looked down. "It's a kind thought but you really should do what they tell you to. They know what's best for your career."

"I know but a couple hours wouldn't affect our entire career. I think they don't want me to meet anyone or make any friends...especially girls."

"Why not?"

"Probably think it'll be too distracting."

"That's not fair, you're a human, not a machine." I said. Ashton nodded sadly. It hurt me to ever think of that boy being sad.

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