|30| Home Alone

56 3 10

(A/N) Omg you guys I've updated twice in one week this is so cool yay.

I don't really have much to say this time but yeah hi.

There will be a longer a/n at the end of this chapter.

Enjoy. ^.^

Katie's POV:

Obviously I've rode in sports cars before, not one this expensive though. But I've rode in many. Liam has a lot of sports cars. Louis has one. But this one was completely different. Maybe that was solely because the way Oika...Ouaka...Orca... was driving the car made the ride feel very different. Almost scary? I've never seen someone drive so fast and carelessly in my life.

His name was Orca, right?

Wait, no that's a whale.

I regret going to a school with a lot of Japanese students whose names I can tell I won't be able to pronounce. I also regret not befriending a single Japanese student at highschool now. I know absolutely nothing about their culture.

"Your car is really...fast." I said suddenly from the backseat. Both boys up front turned slightly to look at me. I think they were shocked I had spoken up since they had been chatting between each other most of the drive thus far.

"It is! Drives like a dream!" And with that, Orca decided to go even faster than we had been. I should have kept my mouth shut.

"Hey, do you mind if I ask you what your name was again?"

"Oikawa." The one driving said. Oikawa. Right, I knew that.

"And I'm Iwaizumi." Said the passenger turning slightly to wink at me.

"Those are really unique names. You guys must stand out in your team." I chuckled a little and glanced out the window, a decision I immediately regretted. I don't get car sick very easily but at the speed we were going I was not going to stand a chance.

"If you mean the Japanese origin of our names than no, because most of the team is Japanese as well." Oikawa explained, grinning at me through the rear view mirror. "Iwa-chan, what time do you want me to pick you up today?" He asked, turning his head towards his friend. For the love of God, please keep your eyes on the road.

"Oh, sometime after four o'clock." Iwaizumi shrugged nonchalantly.

"Not two?"

"No, we have extra practice today since Kuroo was absent last week."

I listened to the two talk back and forth about their teammates and friends for quite awhile. I think they may have forgotten I was in the backseat.

The car came to an abrupt stop suddenly, and I mean very abrupt. I think my intenses were still moving ahead of the car.

"Well, this is my stop!" Iwazumi shouted happily and flung his door open. "You guys have a good practice today! I'll see you after four, Kyle!" Iwazumi grinned towards me before climbing out of the car.

"Whoa, whoa, it's Katie." I laughed. I wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic since I had forgotten their names or if he genuinely thought my name was Kyle. "Wait, you're not coming with us?"

"No, Iwa-chan goes to a different school." Oikawa answered while adjusting his rear view mirror and checking his teeth in the reflection.

"We attend different universities so we're on rivaling teams." Iwaizumi added. "We've been friends since grade school."

"And he wrecked his car so I give him rides." Oikawa gloated and Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. So they're both violent drivers. Good to know.

"Alright, I'm going." Iwaizumi collected his bag from the floorboard and slammed the door.

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