|3| Caught

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Katie's POV:

I sat down at the table with a bowl of cereal. You would think being rich as hell they would rather eat crepes and devilled eggs for breakfast but instead we've got boxes of Wheaties and Frosted Flakes.

As soon as I finished pouring milk into my bowl, Louis and Zayn darted out of the hallway and straight to the front door.

"You guys leaving so early again?" I pouted and Louis walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss.

"I'm sorry, love. We've gotta get down to the arena early."


"Again." Zayn answered and grabbed his coat. He didn't seem too unhappy about it though. Neither did Louis.

"We're leaving tomorrow though? We haven't even done anything else?"

"Well that's how it is on tour." Zayn said. "We don't have too much time to run around."

"I told you that before we left didn't I?" Louis asked me and put on his jacket.

"Yeah." I answered quietly and looked down at my bowl.

Louis hesitated leaving and looked down with a sigh as if he felt bad. "Do you wanna come with us?" He smiled at me. Zayn glared at him for asking me and shot me a dirty look.

"No...no I'm not feeling that well today anyway. I think I'll stay in and rest." I faked a smile.

"Well I'll see you tonight then?"

"Yeah, sure."

They left just like that and I sighed and leaned back in my chair. Something was different. And it's been this way the past week or so. Louis is so different. It feels like we're growing apart. Ever since that day Zayn ran off and Louis followed him, everything has been different. I'm starting to think Louis lied to me about what Zayn was really doing because those two have been inseparable since. Louis is always telling me he has to go out and do something and coincidentally Zayn always has to go with him or makes an excuse to leave as well. It just feels like Louis used to try harder to make time for us. I wonder if Perrie feels the same way?

"Hey." Perrie walked out of her room she shares with Zayn and sat down across from me.

"Morning." I smiled at her. If I had a single friend here I could trust completely, it was her.

"Are you alright? You look a bit down?" She tilted her head and looked at me.

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