EPILOGUE (And important notes)

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EPILOGUE: (aka when I begin ruining this entire series for all of you...and myself.)

Third person POV:

The door slammed shut, sending tremors through the wall which caused picture frames to slant and shake.

Ms. Abney marched through her office and sat behind her desk, face pale as porcelain as she rubbed her face nervously with the palm of her hands. It wasn't just nervousness plastered on her face it was fear and uncertainty.

She opened a drawer of her desk and pulled out a folder with her own name written on the front. Taking a deep breath before opening it, her eyes clasped shut and she swallowed hard before continuing.

Once she found the document she was searching for, the phone on the desk beside her began to ring and her hands tensed up. She stared at the phone, dreading the call that awaited her.

The dean licked her lips and regulated her panicked breathing before picking up the phone and speaking calmly into the receiver.

"H-hello, Ms. Abney's office, can I help you?" She greeted the caller as if she was her own receptionist.

"That's not even funny." The mysterious caller responded in a deep voice. "I know it's you, Abney."

"Look, I did my best. I can't-"

"But your best wasn't good enough was it?"

She hesitated answering the caller's question. "I did everything you asked." Ms. Abney stated truthfully.

"And yet she's still at the school. Even worse, she's part of a team now." The caller's voice grew more frustrated as the call went on.

"The point is I did everything you asked. You can't be upset with me for that."

"You failed. You had a job to do and you failed." It almost seemed to Ms. Abney that the caller's voice grew deeper but perhaps that was due to her own heart rate picking up.

Ms. Abney thought quickly to divert the subject off of herself and onto the bigger picture. "What is your problem anyway? Why do you hate her so much to go to all this trouble?"

"That's none of your business!" The caller barked at her.

"It's just as much my business since I'm involved in this!" She argued back.

The caller's voice changed back to the deep mysterious tone they held previously. "But you're not involved. Not anymore."

"You're letting me off the job?" Ms. Abney asked, hopefully.

The voice laughed darkly as the hope was sucked out of Ms. Abney's soul by the two words which followed.

"You wish."

The call disconnected and Ms. Abney swallowed hard as she felt the cold metal tip of a gun pressed to the back of her head.

"Please, you don't have to do this. I-I have a daughter and a family." Ms. Abney pleaded.

"Maybe you should have thought of them before you failed your task."

"That task was impossible! She's a straight A student and she's polite and kind to everyone. There was no way I could have convinced the board she was undeserving of a spot in the school. Personally, I don't understand why you hate her so much. There's not a thing wrong with her, she's perfectly-" A thick leather boot kicked Ms. Abney's chair over and she fell onto the floor.

"You know nothing about her so shut up. She's selfish and manipulative. She's charmed everyone into believing her sweet innocent act. Even you. I don't need any weak members of my team." The figure knelt down beside the dean and pointed the gun back up to the victim's head. "She did things she needs to pay for. When someone hurts me they don't get away with it."

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