|14| I'll Make A Man Out Of You

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(A/N) Tbh it would be a legit crime to not dedicate this chapter to Iwaizumeme_Hajimeme. Like this chapter would not even exist without her. I had less than 0 ideas. Literally only about 2-3 pages of this chapter were my own ideas. She is Jesus go love her and also go follow her and get her 6,969 followers ayy.

Thank you so much again babe, I hope I've done your ideas justice. ^.^

AND GO READ ALL BECAUSE OF A PRANK CALL BY Vanessa_Loves1D I cannot promote it enough tbh.

Okay so the plot twist in this chapter is so big I cannot wait to freak you guys out with it. I'm pretty sure no one will see this coming yet I'm sure it's been in the back of your minds that it could happen.

Katie's POV:

"Where did Louis go?" Liam asked as he set down a tray of tea in styrofoam cups.

"I don't know." I said and looked around the room. In the corner of my eye I noticed the girl who was fighting with Calum began to walk out of the room.

"No, no, no! I'm not done with you!" Calum shouted and marched in front of her.

"What is wrong with you! Will you leave me alone already?! My brother works for the police!" She shouted and tried to pass him by.

"I don't want to see your face every again, do you understand me! If I ever so much as hear about you I'll call the police!"

"Good, then hopefully my brother will beat the shit out of you!"

Niall and Louis emerged from a room suddenly, catching our attention, all accept for Calum and the mystery woman who remained deep in seemingly senseless argument.

Niall walked through the lot of us and moved straight in front of Emily. "Emily, I'm not gonna throw in the towel. I'm not giving up on us. Now do you genuinely want him or me?" He asked her straightforward and Emily glanced between him and Phil.

"H-honestly I don't think I want either of you." Emily answered.

"What?!" Niall and Phil exclaimed in unison.

"That's right! You're both as immature as each other!" She continued and crossed her arms.

Wait, what?

What the hell did I miss while we were away?

Louis slowly walked over to where I was standing off to the side of the impending drama. He answered the question I was thinking as if he already knew before I even asked.

"They broke up about a week ago." Louis explained.


"They have loads of ridiculous reasons honestly."

"Excuse me?!" Phil stepped in front of Niall and got into Emily's face. His voice cracked in disbelief of her answer. "You really feel that way? After everything I've done for you when-"

"Everything you've done?" Niall pulled Phil around so the Brit video star was facing him. "You don't know our history! You don't have the right to compare your pansy shoulder-to-cry-on gimmick with our long history of hardships!"

"Maybe you were there for her back then but you weren't there when she needed you! I was!" Phil gestured to himself.

"You know Emily was a strong and independent person before you came along! You've brainwashed her into thinking you're the only person she has!"

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