|13| Going Home

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Katie's POV:

"I'm sorry, we did everything we could but...he's gone."

Those words...I heard them but I didn't understand them.

No one spoke. The room went completely silent.

In the corner of my eye I saw the those two soldiers, Torres and Leiman, standing in the corner with their backs against the wall and their heads facing the ground in sorrow.

No one spoke. There was nothing to say. The nurse continued to look at me with teary eyes.

How could they?

"N-no." I said in a choked up voice. "He can't be, he...I...I spoke to him just 20 minutes ago. He...he was fine...he said...he said he wasn't even in pain." I tried to understand but couldn't.

The nurse just shook her head and tried to shake off her emotions. I don't know why she was so sad over this. She's trained not to be. She must have known about our struggle in the mall and felt awful that she couldn't do more for us. "We tried so hard, ma'am. His wounds were just too deep and he'd lost so much blood. There was nothing we could do for him. I'm so so sorry."

I looked behind me at the others. I wanted to see their reactions in order to comprehend this was really happening.

Zayn was staring at me with a spaced off look on his face and eyes. Harry wandered off a few feet and covered his face with his hands.

"Your husband was a good man." The nurse said.

"We weren't married. We were just..." My voice trailed off and I didn't see a point in correcting her.

"Again, I'm truly very sorry for your loss." The nurse said once more

"He's not dead." I said involuntarily.

"Ma'am, please..."

"He's not dead!" I screamed at her, losing control of my calmness and I pushed past her. "Let me see him!"

The nurse grabbed my wrists and tried to restrain me. I know she thought I was acting irrationally but I couldn't help it and I didn't care. I fought her, I could punch her at this point I was so furious. "Ma'am, you can't-"

"I wanna fucking see him! He's not dead, he's not...I know he isn't...he's-"

"Katie." Perrie mumbled into my ear. She grabbed me from the nurse and pulled me into a hug. I was too paralyzed in shock of being yanked around by everyone to hug her back.

"It'll be alright, I promise. We're all here for you, hun."

I didn't say anything to her and she continued to speak. "You have to accept he's gone. I know it's hard but-"

"He's not dead!" I exclaimed and pushed her away from me.

She tried to walk back over to my side and Zayn pulled her back by her arm. "Babe, let her be." He said quietly to Perrie who reluctantly nodded.

I never even got to see him when they took him to the hospital. They were so quick I never had the chance to say anything to him.

But he wasn't...he's not dead. I know he isn't. I would feel something if he was, something would be different.

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