|17| Kitwana

69 4 26

Louis' POV:

"Liam? Liam? Come on, I know you're in there." I knocked on his door and waited but he wasn't opening it. I took a couple minutes to cool down and realized what I'd done.

I only did it because he was right and that pissed me off.

I can't stand when someone points out my faults. I know that's bad but I struggle to control it.

I'm really beginning to wonder how anyone can stand me. My temper is awful. Have I always been that way and I'm just now realizing it?

Wow, he really isn't going to open the door.

I took a deep breath and realized I'm gonna have to swallow my pride to save our friendship. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lost my temper on you. I'm sorry I keep screwing everything up. I'm gonna fix this. I don't know how yet but I will. Katie...she won't answer my calls." I sighed and leaned against the door, feeling overall pathetic and helpless. I was at everyone's mercy it seems. "I...I don't know what to do. I want to go after her but...I don't know if that's what she wants anymore. I don't know if it's too late for that, you know? You know it'd be a lot easier if you'd open the door." I chuckled solemnly.

The door opened but it wasn't answered by who I was expecting.

"S-Sophia?" My voice cracked. I sort of forgot about her.

"Since Liam isn't mature enough to man-up and accept an apology, I'll have to answer the door for him I guess." She stated so calmly. "And of course you should go after her! That's what every girl wants! They want to be fought for, Louis."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm a girl, of course I'm sure." Sophia grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. She turned to her boyfriend who was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. "Liam, talk to him."

"No way! You're not crying, are you?" I stood in front of Liam.

Liam looked up at me with red eyes and a sad smile. "I suppose I am." He chuckled sadly.

"Okay, why are you really crying though? Did Sophia tell you she's pregnant?" I joked and grinned up at Sophia. She rolled her eyes at me.

"I can kick you back out, you know." She glared at me.

"I guess...I guess I'm just afraid of...all the fighting we've been doing lately. You fought with Zayn and Perrie fought with Zayn and you fought with Katie and now you and I got into a little fist fight."

"It's not a fist fight if you don't hit back, Payno." I smirked at him and he gazed up at me.

"Don't tempt me, Tommo."

"No, really, go ahead. Punch me." I positioned myself in front of him and egged him on.

"Honestly? I'm not going to hit you."

"Come on! Let's settle the score." I said and he just stared at me in confusion. "I know you've wanted to punch me, after all the shit things I've done to you on tour and you-" My words were interrupted when he literally punched me. I kind of expected him to take the higher road but I can't deny I deserved it. "Feel better?"

"I guess." Liam chuckled. "I'm just afraid of losing all of us. I don't want us to fall apart. I love...I love you guys, alright? I love what we do. I love getting to experience all of this with my best friends."

"Come on, don't be that way. You know we all feel the same. We're not going to split over this." I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "And you're still my best mate. Who else would I write songs with? Who else would I go clubbing with?"

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