|20| Guyliner

74 4 38

(A/N) Sorry that I haven't updated in around 3 weeks, I've just been crawling through this chapter.

Well I have good news (probably, depending how you wanna look at it.)

I've decided there will be a couple more chapters of Civil! I've got some more ideas that it'd be a shame to waste, even though I am really excited to start the next story, All The Stars.

But you're gonna have to put up with a few more chapters of this rubbish first, I'm afraid.

This is actually one of my favorite scenes I've ever written, which is ironic since it took me forever to get through this chapter. Now I just love it though, even though it reads more as a filler chapter than anything, I still think it's an important chapter in the development of Lauren and Harry's relationship and a glimpse at how Louis and Katie REALLY are behind closed doors.

But seriously, this is such a nice light (kinky) chapter with zero drama so enjoy the break from the previous mayhem.

Harry's POV:

I sat on my bed, shirtless with just a pair of boxers on because it was quite warm and I was too lazy to get up and turn on the ceiling fan.

But I wasn't too lazy to grab my laptop from the nightstand and start planning an agenda for Lauren and I.

We've done something each day and it's been so much fun. She's so easy to talk to.

It's a bit hard to reflect back on our past, and I use that word loosely. In only a matter of weeks, Lauren and I managed to meet, fall in love, get caught up in a trap, then she betrayed us and we despised her, she nearly sacrificed herself for me, we hid in the woods from our hunters, lived through a whole fucking war, and now look where we are? She's just a few doors over, sleeping comfortably in my home.

I have such a huge sense of pride having her stay here.

However it is a bit unsettling at the same time. I'll wake up at 3am, feeling restless at the fact that Lauren is right there and I can't even go see her out of fear of her parents seeing me. I'm a bit creepy, sad to say. I'd probably peek into her room and end up watching her sleep for a solid hour if I even walked past her door. Which is why I have to stay in bed until morning because I don't want her father or brother beating me up. I'm not a perv, I actually respect her. But she's so special. I just want to make her feel special.

And the cleanest way to do that under the circumstances is by filling our days with lots of activities.

I was about to pull my bun out at the stupid way Google Maps was set up. I just want to plan out one fucking route and it's such shit. Why would I want to print the route that takes us 40 minutes to get there when the one beside it will take us only 20? Honestly, Google. Honestly. You're no friend of mine, pal.

There was a knock on my door all of a sudden follow by Lauren's soft voice. "Harry, are you awake?" She asked.

God, her voice was really something else in the morning. It was raspy in a sensual way.

"I-I just woke up a minute ago." I downplayed the truth, she didn't need to know I had been awake for an hour mentally cursing out Google.

"Could I come in?" She asked.

Did she just ask to come in my room? As in the place where I sleep? Where my bed is? Where I am? Right now?

God, Harry, chill out. It's just a room.

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