Chapter thirty one

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Hi guys! I just logged in Wattpad after almost halve a year I think. And I read all your comments and I think I will keep uploading chapters! I hope you still read it and still like it ofcourse!

Leanne's point of view.

When I got back from work and opened the front door, I saw Roman standing by the fridge.

'Hi love.'

Roman looked around and quickly closed the fridge.

'Hi sweetheart, how was work?'

He walked up to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on my forehead.

'It was okay, I just missed you and Nadia so much I couldn't wait to go home.'

I looked around and didn't see Miranda anywhere.

'Where is Miranda?' I looked up at Roman.

'She went to go to the car thing to get her car fixed.'

I nodded and took of my coat.

'No keep your coat on, we are going somewhere, Anne is watching Nadia.'

We got into Roman's car and drove around hemlock grove until we got at a riding school.

'What are we doing here?'

'You'll see.' Roman touched my cheek with his finger and stepped out of the car.


'Wow she's beautiful.' I touched the neck of the beautiful brown horse Which was two times my length.

'She definitely is.' The men said who owned the riding school.

'Are you going to ride it sir?'

'I'm not sure.' Roman said while touching the horses head.

'You know, 1.2 million gonna look like a steal in six  months. And she got the spirit.'

I smiled at the man and was kind of shocked when I heard the price of the horse, why buy a horse that is so expensive?

'You can pick up where your dad left of.'

Roman turned around to the man. 'Did you know him?'

'I almost rode for him back when I was a jockey. But I broke my collarbone a week before, such a shame. What happened to all his ponies?'

'My mom had 'em slaughtered.'

I looked at Roman and thought about his mom sending those horses away to get killed. She really is a evil person.


Hi guys! It's not a long chapter but I wanted to see it you guys were still reading it soo if you do, please comment! And I will make another chapter tomorrow!

Love, leanne

Untouched- Roman GodfreyWhere stories live. Discover now