Chapter twenty four.

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'I think we should go to see Peter.'

I sat with Roman on his bed, i was brushing my wet hair because we just took a bath together.

'He said he needed some time alone.' Roman looked out of his window. 'I know.' I walked to Roman and hugged him from behind.

'But it has been a few days now, we all go through a lot and we need each other, you and i both need Peter.'

I missed Peter so much. We were together so much, we have been through so much. I needed to see him, to hug him of even just talk to him would feel nice. I was so glad i still had Roman. He was the only thing that keep me standing.

Roman turned around and pulled me closer to him. 'You're right, we should.' I smiled at him. 'I'll call him first to see if he's home.

I took my phone and touched Peter's phone number. I walked around the room waiting for him to pick up. 

'His phone is off, that's weird.' I hang up and looked at Roman. He looked worried, as i was to, Peter always picked up when i or Roman called.

'Let's go to him.'

'I'll come to.'

I jumped and turned around. It was Olivia.

'Have you been listening at us?' Roman walked over to his mother. He was furious. 'No, i just heard you talking that is all.' She smiled at Roman. But it looked more like a devil smile to me.

I walked to Roman and took his hand to calm him down. It worked.

'Fine. You can come.'


Olivia's car was in front of Peter's van. Me and Roman stepped out of the car and walked to the door. I looked in shock when i saw how it looked like. The door was wide open, and on the entire van there was red paint with the words 'killer' and 'gypsy' all over it.

I swallowed one time and followed Roman inside. When i stepped into the van, i saw all the furniture with white blankets over them. I looked at Roman and he thought the same thing as me.

They were gone.

'No.' Roman said and he walked to the bathroom.

'Leanne!' I run to him. 'What is it?'  He pointed at the sink. There was hair in it. Peter's hair.

I walked out of the bathroom. I could not believe it. They left. How could they leave without saying anything? How could Peter do this to us in the time we needed him the most?

I sink to my knees and cried. I cried as much and as loud as i could. I've been holding so strong for the past few weeks, but I couldn't take it anymore. I felt 2 arms around me. And i cried in Roman's arms.

Roman screamed and he was shaking while he was holding me. I stood up and so did he

He walked to the wall and hit it a few times with his fist.

'Roman stop! You're bleeding!' I tried pulling him away but it didn't work.

'Roman please!' He turned around his fist still in the air. I felt a sharp pain against my cheek and fell to the ground.

Did he just hit me?

I touched my cheek it hurts so bad and it already began to swell. I looked up at Roman. I saw that he realised what he just did.

'How could you?' I felt tears falling down my cheeks even tho I didn't want to cry. The love of my life just hit me. The one person that was always there for him.

He got tears in his eyes as well. And walked over to me.

'Don't come closer to me!' I hold my hand up to him.

'Leanne, I'm so sorry, I panicked. I-i didn't realise what i did. Please.' He cried and looked at me with the most guilt I've ever seen in a person's eyes but I didn't care.

'Stay away from me!'

I ran out of the van holding one hand against my cheek. Olivia looked at me while i ran away but I didn't say anything and neither did she.

Roman screamed my name and run after me but i heard his mother stop him. I ran so hard and fast as i could to get away from Roman. How could he do this?

Untouched- Roman GodfreyWhere stories live. Discover now