Chapter one.

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' I don't want you to go.' 'I know.. But i'll see you soon.

I promise.' I stroked a hair away from his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes with i knew i was going to miss so much.

It broke my heart to move and leave James here. We were together for over 2 years now, but i had to move.

My parents insisted that i came. I didn't really had a choice i was only seventeen.
'Can't you just stay here? You can live with me? My mom wouldn't mind.' I laughed at James.

'I'm sorry, I can't. You're going to be okay, you'll meet someone else someday.' Just the thought of him being with someone else than you broke your heart.

But i knew there was no other choice. I was going to move to A city called Hemlock Grove, somewhere in the United States.

You lived in holland now. So a relationship couldn't last between you en James. It was not possible. 'I don't wanna meet someone else.' He looked down to his hands and i know he was fighting of tears.

'I love you. Forever and always.' I said while holding his hands. 'I love you too leanne. So much.' I smiled and kissed him on his lips.

We both knew this was the end. I hugged him for one last time. And then got into my parents car. I was still fighting off the tears. I didn't want him to see me cry. I waved at him as we drove to the airport.

'Are you okay sweetie?' My mom stroke my knee, and looked at me. I nodded. Didn't wanted to talk to either of my parents.

They wanted to move because they wanted a 'fresh start'. Why would you move to the other side of the world for a fresh start!

Why not just move a couple blocks away, or take another job! But no we had to move to another country, with other people and other habits that we do in Holland.

My parents always wanted to move, but when i heard that we were going to move to the UA, I couldn't believe it. How could they do that to me! I had to leave all my friends, my school, James... But i also thought about the good things. New friends, new places to go a new home. But i was going to miss Holland so much.

'Wow, leanne wake up! Were there!' I woke up from a pretty good nap actually.

I didn't got much sleep last night from al the tension to moving here. I looked up and say this house. A beautiful big house where my old house could fit in 4 times.

My parents had much money to save all their lives. So now they desited to spent it on a house. I step out of the car, and my dog came running after me. 'No wait lia! Stay here!' She ran away barking. I cursed a ran after her. She ran into the forest, where i saw a fan. Lia was jumping into someone. A young man from i think my age. I ran to Lia.

' i'm so sorry, she never does this normally.' I took Lia by her collar away from the mam. 'Its okay.' He said. Petting Lia on her head. 'Who are you? I've never seen you here before.' He looked at me up and down.

I got pretty shy from it. 'Yes im new in town. Just got here actually. And Lia ran away so i ran after her and now in here.' The man lifted his hand as i shaked his hand he said. ' I'm peter. Peter Rumancek.

He smiled as he said it. ' I'm Leanne Taylor. Nice to meet you.' 'And nice to meet you too.' Peter said. 'Do you want something to drink? I'm sure my mom would like to meet you.' I doubted for a second, i was very shy and didn't know him. But he seems okay. 'Yeah sure.' 'Great come in.' Peter said while holding the door for me.

As i walked in the trailor, I sensed a weird but nice smell, it was calming. 'Ma, this is leanne Taylor, she's new here.'

Peters mom looked at me from the kitchen. 'Well hello, aren't you beautiful.' She said while walking towards me.

'Thank you, it's nice to meet you I'm leanne.' I said while shaking her hand. 'I'm lynda Rumancek. Nice to meet you to dear. Would you like some milk?' ' sure thank you.' I said smiling while Peter put his hand on the couch for me to sit on.

'It's always nice to meet new people, Peter doesn't have many friends besides the godfrey boy.' Lynda said while putting me some milk in a cup. 'Mom please, we are not going to talk about Roman right now.'

'Roman godfrey? Who's that?' You recognized the name, but you didn't know from were. 'His family.' Lynda looked disturbed just by saying that. 'Is the richest family from Hemlock Grove. They own that large building in the middle of the city. 'I thought I recognised the name from somewhere. I saw them on the tv.' I drink my milk. 'There all over the news almost every week.' But enought about them tell me someting about you!'
Thank you for reading this roman godfrey fanfic! I'm dutch so if some things aren't right you know why! If you haven't watched the show i would recommend you do that first. It make more sense than! Thank you!

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