Chapter three.

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I was shocked when i heard the alarm clock. I opend my eyes to look at the time.

7:15. Time to get ready for my first day at school. i shused down the alarm and sat at the side of my bed. I streched out my arms and opent the curtains to look at the weather.

I was pretty nervous to be honest. New school, new people. I didn't like it. I missed my old house and my old friends. I missed James.

I walked over to my closet wondering what i could put on. I decided to go with black jeans and a light pink sweater.

I walked down the stairs to go get some breakfast. 'good morning mom.'

I kissed my mom on the cheek. my dad already left early for his new job. He worked at the Godfrey Industries. The biggest and largest bulding in the entire town. i never had seen a bulding so high.

'Are you excited for you're first day?' my mom gave me a cup of coffee and bread with cheese.

'Kind of.' I said with my mouth full of bread.

'I'm sure you will love it. You always make friends fast.' that was true, and i already met Peter. Maybe he could help me trough the day.

My mom walked over to the tv and turned it on to look at the morning news.

'The body of the seventeen year old girl, Brooke Bluebell was found this morning in Kilderry park. She was brutally murderd by we think a wild animal.'

'Well thats nice, we move here and there is a wild animal on the loose.' I looked at my mom while she put the tv out.


I walked to my car to get to school, when i saw the Godfrey kid walking to his car. He had a sigaret in his mouth. When went into his car and drove up to the highway. When he saw me he stopped in front of me.

'You need a ride?' I pointed at my car. 'I didn't ask if you had a car, i asked if you needed a ride.'

He smirked. 'Okay yeah sure.' Knowing people the first day wouldn't be so bad. As i sad next to him in the car, he trew his sigaret away, and started driving to our school.

'Did you hear it? on the news? about that girl?' I looked over to him.

'Yes i saw it.' He simply said with his eyes on the road. 'Did you knew her?'

'Kind of, i wasn't close with her, but i knew who she was.' I nodded at his answer.

When we got to school i saw a lot of children crying. It was so sad to lose someone. especially at this young age. We got out of the car and i saw Peter. 'Hey Peter!' I walked over to him. 'Hey Leanne, did you hear the news this morning?'

'Yes i did, It's horrible.'

There was a silence, i looked at Roman and realised Peter and Roman probably never met.

'Ow, Peter this is Roman, my neighbour, Roman this is Peter. I met him yesterday.'

They both laughed at me. I looked at them, confused. 'Whats so funny?'

'We met a couple of days ago. When i moved here.'

'Ow, whoops.' I said laughing with them.

As we walked through the school halls, i saw a lot of people crying. i felt so bad for them. tonight there was a ceremony for Brooke, with i trought was a good thing to do.

I shooked as i saw a big, big girl walking through the hall. she was long and had black hair with coverd her face. her hands coverd in bandage. And she maked growling noises.

'Hey Shelley.' Roman said to her. She grabed her phone with was hanging around her neck, and typed someting on there. 'Hello Roman and Peter.' A voice sad out of the phone

'Leanne, this is my sister Shelley.' She typed something again. 'Nice to meet you Leanne, I'm Shelley.' She waved at me. '

'Hey Shelly, nice to meet you to.' I smiled at her. 'You just moved here?.' The robot voice said out of the phone. 'Yes i did, this is my first day so i'm a little nervous.'

'I'ts okay, i can help you if you need anything.' The phone said while Shelly was smiling at me. her face glowed a little blue. i thought she was so beautiful. 'Thank you Shelley. I appriciate that.'

As the school day went by, i got really tired. All the teachers talked about was Brooke with i understand but still. It was kind of depressing.

I walked to my locker when roman came up to me. 'Could you do someting for me?'

Roman Godfrey needed my help? What could that be?

'Sure, what?' I putt my books into my locker and closed is.

'Shelley wants to go to the ceremony tonight, and i was wondering if you wanted to go with her.'

'Why can't you go?' i pulled a water bottle out of my bag. 'Because iv'e seen enough crying girls all day, and i'm done with it. And Shelley really likes you. You're really nice to her.'

'Ofcourse i am, she's nice to. I would love to go with her.' Roman smiled. 'Thanks.''

'I didn't even knew you had a sister.' We were walking to Romans car. 'Why didn't she come introduce last night?' 'Because my mom is ashamed of her and don't want people to see her.' He simply said.

'Well shes a very sweet girl.' 'She is, but my mom is a bitch.' He lighted a sigaret and handed me the pacage of sigarets. i waved with my hand. 'No thank you.' I hated smoking. 'Roman!'

A girl with blond hair, came walking to us. She waved at roman. 'Letha hey.' Roman said while giving the girl a hug. Did he had a girlfriend?

'Who's this?' She said while looking at me whith a sweet complection. She was very pretty.

'Leanne, this is my cousin Letha.' 'Nice to meet you!' She said and she gave me a hug. 'Nice to meet you to.' We smiled at each other.


Untouched- Roman GodfreyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz