Chapter two

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When i got home, my parents where loading all the boxes out of the car. 'And where have you been young lady!'

'Lia ran away, so i ran after her and came across a boy named peter. I met him and his mom. Very nice people.' I said while putting Lia in the house.

'Well nice you making friends easily, that would make all of this better.' My mom smiled at me as i walked into the door.

The house was absolutely stunning. It was white en creamy. Very soft colours because my parent liked that. I noticed that my boxes where standing on the stairs. I grabbed as many as i could and walked upstairs.

The rooms where beautiful. There was one for my parents. A very large room with white curtains and a huge kingside bed, and a bathroom. My room was smaller but also beautiful. I didn't need much space.

There was a huge window with made me look out of a big house. There was a red car standing in front of it, there was a boy sitting in the car.

As he walked to the house, I couldn't help but look at him. Something about him was breathtaking. He was tall. Darkbrown hair. Skinny, and he had a kind of bad boy look on his face. As he walked through his door he looked up at my window.

He looked straight into my eyes.
'Shit!' I quickly hide behind my curtain. I slammed myself against my head. But how did he even know there was someone standing over here?

'Leanne! You want something to eat?!' 'Euh, yea sure. Pizza?' I yelled back at my mom. 'Okay!'

I shoved the curtain away a little so i could see through it. The boy was gone.


As i was eating my pizza pepperoni, (my favourite). The doorbell rang. My mom looked at my dad before going to the door. Who could that be?

'Well hello there.' I heard a woman say in a British accent. 'I saw your family was just moving in. We are the cross neighbours. My name is Olivia Godfrey, and this is my son, Roman.'

I nearly choked on my pizza, the Godfreys? Here? At our house? Lynda told me olivia was a evil women. And i best stay the hell away from her. And now we are living across the streets from each other? That's amazing.

'Hello, my name is korra,' i heard my mom say. 'Leanne! Come meet the neighbors!'

Ow great.

I stood up from the couch and walked with my dad to the front door.

'Hello, my name is Leanne. Pleasure to meet you.' I said friendly shaking Olivia's hand.

Then i turned to the boy named Roman. He had green eyes a pale skin, the boy i saw in the car just now. How embarrassing.

He was smoking a siggaret. Something i really hated. The smell ugh no not for me.

'Roman, Godfrey.' He looked at me with no emotion in his face. 'Leanne Taylor.'

'Would you like to come in?' My mom said. 'Ow no thank you, maybe another time. No, Roman saw this pretty lady standing by the window en he wanted to get ourself's introduced before you hear all the romours around town.'

She stroked a hair out of here face as i saw Roman looking at her pretty upset. 'That's very friendly of you. Well then another time maybe?' 'That would be nice.'

My mom closed the door as i saw Roman looking at me. 'Nice people.' I sad down with my parents on the cough. 'Well see about that.'

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