Chapter twenty seven

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I opened the door and looked inside. There was a small hall. In the corner of the hall, stood a chair and a little table.

I was a little confused, why was this here?

On the other side of the chair, i saw another door, this one was unlocked.

I walked to the door and reached my hand to the doornop.

Maybe it was smarter to wait until Roman got home, there could be something dangerous in here for all i know. I lowed my hand and sighted. I walked out of the first door and closed it behind me.


'Hey love, what are you doing here?'

I looked up from the book i was reading, and saw Roman standing in the doorway. 'I wanted to surprise you, we haven't seen each other in a wile.'

I walked over to him and he pulled me in a hug. 'You're right, I'm sorry but work has been a lot lately. I've missed you.' He looked at me and kissed me a few times on my lips.

'Did you cook?' Roman walked over to the kitchen and looked in the pans. 'A little, Anna was already starting to cook, so I finished it.'

'Where is Anna?' Roman looked upstairs the room what was closed.

'I sent her home, i said i wanted some alone time with you.' Roman smiled. 'You're always full of surprises.' I turned around and walked to the couch. I picked up the book and put it back in the closet.



I still looked at the closet, I didn't dare to look at him. What if he would get mad? What if he would hit me again?

I sighted and closed my eyes. 'What is behind that locked door?' I hold my breath, to afraid to say anything more or to breath.

I heard Roman cursing in himself. 'This is why I didn't want you to be here all alone, i now you are going to investigate.'

I looked around and he pulled his hands threw his hair.

I'm sorry Roman, but I don't want you to have secrets for me, I'm going to live with you in here. I want to now what's going on and what you keep hidden from me.'

He walked over to me and touched my cheek. Whenever he did this i always felt his hand hitting it very hard all over again.

'It's complicated. I had to tell you sooner i know i should. But i was so embarrassed. And i was so afraid you would leave me.'

I looked up at him. 'I can never leave you, I love you Roman.'

'I love you to, so much.' I smiled. I knew he loved me, even though he kept secrets for me.

'Come with me, i will show you.'

I walked after him to the room. He ticked in the number, the same that i did. I wasn't going to tell him i already had been in here. He would probably get mad.

He opened the door and walked in the little hall with the chair. 'Roman, what is this?'

'I need you to promise me you won't freak out of something, i have a good explanation for what is in here i promise you.'

I was starting to get scared, but nodded at him.

He looked kind of scared as well. He pulled the big door open. I hold my breath for what i was about to see.

I walked in and looked around. It was a small room. It was completely grey, and the only thing what was in there was a little box.

I was still standing in the doorway, looking at the box. I saw a baby. Standing in the box. Her eyes were so blue they almost lighted up. Her cheeks were a little red, I suppose she cried.

She looked at me and laughed. I walked over to the baby. She reached her little arms at me and i took her from her crib and hold her. She started to play with my hair.

'How, what?' I looked at Roman.

'She always cries when i come in here, or Anna.'

'Who's baby is this Roman. And why do you keep her locked in this room?'

I looked at Roman and i was pretty upset. How could he keep a baby hidden from me?

It's Letha's.'

Untouched- Roman GodfreyWhere stories live. Discover now