Two | Playing Rough.

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A/N - I highly recommend that you press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter! ;)

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A/N - I highly recommend that you press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter! ;)


You awoke to sudden darkness surrounding you; the kind of darkness that rendered you unable to make out the ominous shapes in the dark malevolently taunting your eyes. You had no idea where the hell you were, or what the hell was going on. Though your eyes were now wide open, you couldn't think of why; your heart was pounding, mind empty. It was as if a hypodermic of adrenaline had been emptied into your carotid. The last thing that you remembered was running, running so fast and so far that you felt like you were going to perish if you continued any further. However, the very last memory that you had clung onto was the image remaining rent-free in your mind of a pretty ginger cat with bright blue eyes wearing a fancy hat. You didn't know why this was suddenly significant, especially as of this current moment in time nevertheless, but it was. Maybe the pretty ginger cat with the fancy hat was your guardian angel.

The lack of light and illumination was definitely beginning to bother you. Your world felt like it was etched in charcoal, the once vibrant hues of the exquisite blue eyes and perfect ginger fur were no more than a vivid dream. You gulped as your hand caressed the soft fabric that had lain beneath you. Hmm. It felt like you were on a bed, but just to confirm your thoughts, you bounced on it lightly, hearing the bed squeak.

But why were you on a bed? How did you even get here? Were you kidnapped? Were you dead? Was the pretty cat that you had seen earlier the personification of death itself? You had so many questions currently racing through your mind like a crashing wave unable to meet the shoreline, and it was starting to make you feel extremely anxious and nervous all of a sudden.

There had to be a light switch somewhere.

Hoping for the best and following your gut intuition, you used your one hand and began patting down the wall in order to try and navigate the switchboard. You were met mostly with a flat yet bumpy surface, until...

You furrowed your eyebrows. This had to be the light switch, but it just felt disgustingly weird. You didn't like it. You were almost certain that the switch was made in the twentieth century. It was that brittle white plastic they used to make everything from. It was covered in the grease of hundreds of hands and more grime besides. You grimaced, but you were internally grateful that you had at least managed to find it. It was practical that it was close to the bed rather than all the way on the opposite end of the bedroom. On Lord Francis' ship—it was the latter.

Ugh, Francis. That annoying old man.

You flicked the switch as a harsh yellow light had suddenly cut across the room. It took your eyes a few moments to adjust to the change from the darkness as you blinked your eyes a couple of times. The very first thing that you were met with was a solid brittle light switch with a grimy surface barely clinging to the wall. You made a disgusted face at this, quickly wiping your hand on the bed.

Mr. Fancy Hat | Chuuya Nakahara ✓Where stories live. Discover now