Chapter Twenty-Nine: Lets watch a movie

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" And what do you think your doing?" A loud voice shouted towards us, looking across I spot Tom and Xavier stood inside the lift.

The guy that was ontop of me sends the biggest glare before slapping me in the face, the sound large as I could feel the stinging sensation rapidly build.

" What the fuck dude" As the two boys come running towards me.

The guy ontop of me standing from his position as he makes his way to help the boy that was against the door to only be side tracked when a foot comes into contact with his face.

The kick sending him to the ground as you could hear his head slamming against the floor, sending my head funny for a few seconds.

Just thinking about my head slamming to the floor makes it go weird..

" What have you been doing?" Tom questioned, giving me a hand off of the floor.

" Nothing much" Making my way towards the door and unlocking it, my cheek pulsing as I place my left hand over the area.

" Clearly, beacuse getting ambushed by four pathetic guys is called nothing" Xavier stated, removing my hand to see the bright red mark.

" Not really, if you think about it, I amubsed them.. not intentional, it just happened"

Faces a disbelief echoed upon their face.

"How can an ambush just happen?"

Producing a big sigh I grab both of their wrists, dragging them up the stairs.

" They were chasing after Dylan and I trapped them in the room. Thats all, and anyways how did you know I was there?" A look of remembrance appeared on their faces.

" Oh right, we were going out to get some fish and chips for the gang upstairs.." As I let go of their wrist.

" What you doing following me up the stairs then, get a move on" Practically pushing them back down.

" You were draggi-"

" Less talking, more moving" I shouted back, rolling my eyes.

What a bunch of idiots, who follows somebody up the stairs when there initial plan involved getting food. Not the food I could potentially eat beacuse that's too greasy but for the others.

Who forgets about such foods that they are ordering. If that was me coming down those stairs I'd intentionally ignore the fight and head to get my food.

Yeah, that does make me sound bad..
Then I'd order the one getting beat up a portion of what I'm hearing out to get.

Yeah, that makes me sound much better.

Reaching the final step as I've kind of gotten used to the lengthy stairs, them not sending me out of breathe anymore, I head towards the door.

Kicking it open, obviously pulling down the handle before so, the door flys open. My presence known as I'm faced with all the boys, obviously not Matthews.. he's a busy boy.

" And you were where exactly?" Dante questioned folding his arms from the sofa where he was sitting.

" Well dad, I was sat on my phone outside in the summers sun. Beaucse its actually quite relaxing if that's okay with you?"

" For a whole hour?"

" Dang, well arent you smart! Didn't know you were so good at maths!" Receiving a giant eyeroll.

As a big dog comes running towards me, and sorrow fills me up.

Nobody's ever here so that hes always on his own, and he hardly goes outside in which a dog should. I feel like I'm keeping him hostage.

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