Chapter Fourty-Three: Kade's squad

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" What's taking him so long.. didn't you all say he is the time man?" I moaned, this guy couldn't be more late.. I feel like we've been here for years..

" He has 5 more minutes October, he isn't even late?" Xavier commented. Tilting his head down as I tilt mine up. And no it isn't because he is giant. Well he is, but that isn't the point.
It's because he decided on himself to lean all his weight on my shoulders, with his chin settled on top of my head.

It's probably one of the reasons as to why my legs are about to collapse from under me, but we are still living.. for now anyways.

" Hold up, don't even think about making October an official name. Otherwise-" However I'm quickly cut off as a hand is placed in front of my mouth.

" October, your not gonna do anything. So give up whilst your ahead love" He mutters. As I could practically glare daggers through his brain that is the size of a pea.

" Eww, you head is unstable." As his hand is immediately removed from around my mouth, dragging his hand down his trousers.

" How am I unstable?"

" You licked me, what do you think I am.. an ice cream?"

" How could you even compare yourself to an ice cream?" As he produces a gasp.

" Because I'm wonderful, and taste nice to...?" He exclaimed, winking as my mouth is held open.

" Your actually-"

" Guys, shut up. He's here. I don't want to hear another word" Matthews interrupted. As we both whip out heads around to stare at the group. Who stare right back.

Isn't that nice to have an audience..

" Right, sorry boss" Xavier chimes, leaning back onto my shoulders, as 2 black SUVs pull up to the school. The cars were polished and shiny, no traces of dirt or dust littering the corners of the vehicles. Which was strange because all the cars parked here, all have traces of dust on their cars.

The vehicles pull up right in front of us. As the car door is swung open immediately.

" Kaden, it's so lovely to see you." Matthews shouted, his face shining brightly, with a huge smile etched onto his face.
He's probably never looked happier?

" My dear brother. How much I've missed working with you." Kade responded, slamming the car door shut. In which sent a cloud of dust towards me and Xavier.

" Shit" I muttered, covering my face with my hands as Xavier begins to cough right above me.

" Can't -cough- believe I just ate dust.." As his coughing turned into a fit. As I wipe my dusty hands on his trousers. And to be honest, he didn't notice so it was a plus!

" Xavier, Octavia. How many times do I have to warn you. Be more respectful." As my head is sent forwards. By the one and only Matthews, as he scolds us once again.

' Well If your brother didn't flipping slam his door like a mad man, then we wouldn't have the problem..' That's what I'd tell him, but he looked unimpressed as it is. Especially as Kades group are all silent in a straight line. Theirs hands behind their backs, with their heads raised high..

Whereas, Calum and Tom are both secretly laughing at whatever they were talking about. Dante staring into space, Tyler messing with his hair, and Cashe mimicking whatever Matthews says.. and well, me and Xavier who just got viciously attacked by a sand storm, but nobody clearly cared about that..

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