Chapter Fourty-Six: Infiltration

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So KB decided that he was sending Key and Taylor, his own brother, and one of my team mates who is probably the third most protective of me.

Ashton being first, however he doesn't often show it. But when he has a reason to, you'd know about it. Key, who's had me out to be the weakling of the group ever since I was little, even though he knows I'm not that little girl anymore. He still refuses to let me like any boy or girl romantically that is... Not like I'd want to or have time to anyways.

And then Taylor, who still looks out for me and would take a flying bullet just to save me. Even though I'm a better fighter, which he is the least likely to admit to, he would do anything just to get me out of harms way.

So when I heard from Ash that they were sending Key and Taylor to find me, I wasn't suprised.

I did ask why he couldn't of come instead, not like I don't like any of them, it's just me and Ashton just have something different.. Its hard to explain.

But apparently KB and Ash are going on a little road trip up north, apparently they are going to be meeting with Reids ex-wifes family or whatever. Who is the leader of the Vipers.

Probably to ask questions and to find out more about Reid, not likes hes unreadable. Because blimey, he's as thin as paper, you can read straight through him. It's the small things that they are probably looking for.

Every small thing, counts as a big clue for taking down the Vipers and most importantly, Castillos Mafia.

Glancing away from the road and back towards the rampage happening in the back seat.

We are currently in Matthews mini van, it was blacked out. With all the windows, interior, and exterior all black. It seated around 12 people, which was more then enough room for us.

Whilst Kade and his team went inside his mini van. Which was the exact same, however had his name printed in small, white writing, at the bottom of the van.

Which if you asked me, was a pretty dumb thing to do. But we could talk all day about his stupidity, however we have more pressing matters.

The fact that there is mud, coco pops and minstrels littering the floor was my biggest concern.

" I told you to keep your stupid hands away from my Minstrels" Tyler muttered, shaking his head in annoyance.

" But no, he had to stick his filthy hands where it doesn't belong like he alwa-" However he was interrupted.

" Who are you even talking to?" Dante questioned, stuffing his right hand into a packet of French fries, ready salted French fries.

Making a strange sound come out of my stomach, I was extremely hungry.

" Clearly, nobody" He huffed out in annoyance, throwing his hands in the air and scrunching the packet of minstrels into a ball.

Throwing the wrapper into a white bin that stood in the corner of the mini van.


His eyes traveling to the guy sitting next to him, Cashe, munching on his minstrels. His stolen minstrels.

But everyone knows that stolen food tastes the best.

Shaking my head as the car rawrs with the sound of bickering children in the back..

As I sat in the front, with the window slightly slit open, allowing the breeze to cool me down.

Matthews was driving, I sat in shot gun.
Right behind me was Calum, then on his left sat Cashe, and then on his left sat Tyler.

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