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"So. Your friend got shot? While doing absolutely nothing that is illegal? And you didn't take him to the hospital", Captain America asks completely bewildered.

"Yes, we got caught in a drive by and didn't want the cops asking questions", Wade answers with a flirtatious smile that's now visible because he took off his 'disguise'.

"Why would you worry about cops if your innocent", Sam asks.

"Snitches get stitches", Nat says as though it's obvious.

"And end up in ditches", Bucky adds on.

"Actually it's Sneetches get Steetches", Matt says under her breathe.

"I have that midguardian book", Loki says with a devilish smirk.

"Okay, now that we've settled that absolutely nothing illegal happened. Can we talk about what is going to happen now", Tony asks. He's leaned back in his chair with his hips set forward in a man spread. With the whiskey clutched in his left hand it's easy to see who the matriarch of the family is.

"Actually I was going to ask if you have a Polaroid", Matt deflects with a sweet smile.

"I-I might have one", Peter supplies with a sweet smile.

"Thanks, I left mine at home. But a picture of Matt right now would be the perfect blackmail", Matt beams at her mate that is closest to her age.

"Not that you would blackmail him, because that is illegal", Wade butts in with a sickly sweet smile.

"性交を黙らせるか、私はあなたのお尻を整理するためにローガンに電話します", Matt hisses under her breath in Japanese. (Shut the fuck up or I will call Logan to come sort your ass out)

"Sounds kinky", Wade retorts in English before biting his lip.

"ここにいて、私はあなたが愚かなことをしたことを知るために戻ってきます。だから私を助けてください、私はあなたの口を閉じて縫います", the young girl clarifies for her best friend. (Stay here and if I come back to find out you've done something stupid. So help me god, I will sew your mouth shut.)

"Aweeee, you really do love me", Wade coos.

Taking a deep breath the girl's eyes flutter back into her head out of irritation. Grabbing her friend by the collar the team watches as she whispers threateningly under her breath. The scarred man named Wade puts his hands up in defense with comically wide eyes. The sight itself is amusing as the 6'2 man is pulled down to her own height of 5'6. When the man hurriedly responds she gives him a dangerous smirk before turning to her mates.

"Uh, do you want me to come with you to get it Peter", she asks now ignoring her pouting friend.

"I m-mean if you want, y-you don't have to though", he stutters with a shy smile.

"I'd love to come with you", the young girl reassures sensing his distress. With one final glare to her friend she follows Peter out of the room.

"What is a cop", Thor questions still lost in the conversation.

"Have you ever heard of a pig", Wade asks while propping his head in his hand.

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