chapter 29

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Fred's POV

On the first day of our 7th year, I stood on the platform with George, Ron, and Ginny as we said our goodbyes to Mum and Dad. Getting our yearly lecture on not to pull any more pranks and to be good students. While my Mum's voice rang in my ears I wasn't paying attention. I was distracted and I think she knew it.

"Freddie, are you listening to me?" My Mum asked sternly as I brought my attention back to her.

"Yes Mum," I lied as I looked over her head again. I was looking for Lottie amongst the crowd of students and parents, but I didn't see her anywhere on the platform. I saw her sisters, Becca and Mary Ann arrive with her Father and what looked like to be her mother but she was not with them. As we climbed aboard the express she was still nowhere to be seeing and I was beginning to worry.

I was never one to really worry. It just didn't suit me. George was the worrier of the two of us. He was always worrying if a product would turn out the right way. If we used too much of this or too little of that. Worried about his grades to keep Mum and Dad happy. I on the other hand could care less. It didn't matter if a product didn't work right away. That just meant we need to improve it. So what if we use too much of this or too little of that. We would just change the mixture so it didn't happen again. It wasn't that big of a deal.

But there was no time for worrying when I needed to board the express. I climbed on after George, of course right as the express began to pull out of the station. Walking behind my twin as we made our way to a cabin where our friends were waiting for us. George pulled the door open as we both slipped in. I closed it before going to take a seat by the window next to Angelina. I stared out the window as the Kings Crossing Platform grew smaller. Hearing Angelina, Alicia, Katie, Lee, and George all stuck in a conversation with each other. I was lost in my own thoughts as I rested my head against the glass. Thinking of Lottie and wondering where she was. Why wasn't she on the platform with her sisters? 

"Fred!" I heard off in the distance as I was stuck in a trace. Looking out across the distance as the scenery passed by.

"FREDDIE!" I heard George yell louder, snapping me back into reality as I turned my attention back to the four of them.

"What do you have your mind wrapped around?" Alicia asked, staring at her blankly while she snacked on a few jelly beans.

"More like who," George snarked in reply. I turned my head to scowl at him.

"That Whittle girl?" Lee asked, glaring at me.

"Seriously Fred?" Angelina exclaimed, filling in all the sounds of our cabin.

"What?" I asked, snapping my head in her direction.

"You do know her father is one of the most powerful Death Eaters, right?" She replied.

"She is nothing like that. She is different. You all saw at the party after the Yule Ball," I argued.

"Yes, she was sweet and got along with all of us. But she doesn't associate with people like us and you know it. It's just not in her blood. She is probably stringing you along," Angelina argued back.

"Do you call writing to each other over the whole break, stringing me along?" I asked rudely.

"Fred, don't get rude over this," George pestered quietly.

"I am not. You guys just don't understand. What we have is something I have never felt before," I spoke clearly.

"Oh my Godric," Lee exclaimed as popped up out of his seat next to George and plopping down next to me, "our little Freddie is in love." As he began to fluff my hair, chuckling along with George.

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