Soft domestic fluff- Simeon/Barbatos/you

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[ I've wanted to write something for them ever since seeing the 'spy on them' scene with Simeon and Barbatos in Hell's Kitchen! :_) I know those scenes are only a few lines, but some of them go straight to my heart! <3 ]

you x Simeon x Barbatos

It was you and Simeon who became partners first. For you, being with Simeon was like realising your best friend has always loved you back, the trust and genuine adoration between you can easily be felt by anyone else in the room.

Which is why Barbatos would absolutely never admit to caring for you too, not even to himself. He is courteous whenever you happen to cross paths, but he keeps your interactions brief, then finds a polite excuse to continue on his way. Most people tend to read him as reserved, but to you, he sometimes seems a tiny bit sad.

Even though Barbatos is reluctant, it's Simeon who actually manages (or rather, persists in) making friends with him over their part-time shifts at Hell's Kitchen. Simeon in fact proves to be impossible not to be friends with, especially when he's set his sights on it. He always has a cheerful story to tell and is always ready to lend a helping hand, and before Barbatos even means to, he actually has a friend who wants to get to know him? And an archangel, at that?

You often drop-by to see Simeon after work, and the three of you usually end up chatting for hours, Barbatos and Simeon finishing-up the last of their closing duties while they share with you all the funny stories from their shift. You see a kinder, more relaxed side to Barbatos when the three of you are joking around, but part of you still feels that he keeps himself at a distance.

But on one occasion, Barbatos has clearly had an awful shift, you can tell from his quiet manner even before Simeon tells the story of the horrendous customers they've had today, and one very personal insult Barbatos received.

What neither of them expect is how fired-up you become in response, you suddenly start speaking passionately about how you despise poor behaviour toward customer service workers, how neither of them should have to deal with such things, and how you'll always support them. Before you realise it, Barbatos softly walks over to you and gives you the most careful hug, holding you for a second before he whispers, "thank you" and lets go. Simeon is also looking at you with the gentlest expression, like what you said meant the world to him. After that night, Barbatos isn't so standoffish with you, and he actually says 'yes' sometimes when you and Simeon insist on dragging him for ice cream or board game nights.

It was in fact on one of these silly game nights when you found everything out, and it was nearly a disaster. You, Simeon, Barbatos and Lucifer's brothers were all slightly tipsy, and during a game of truth or dare, Asmo dared Barbatos to hold hands with 'one person you'd do anything to protect'. But Barbatos suddenly looked a little worried, before he recovered himself and gave a low chuckle, saying there isn't just one person, and besides, it's his duty to protect all of you.

Later after the game, you and Simeon find Barbatos gazing over Diavolo's star-speckled lake, looking miserable. When he sees you both, he tries to school his expression from emotional into his usual calm, but Simeon suddenly looks at him as if realising something. Barbatos looks more like his heart is breaking or that he's about to be ill. You quietly hold your hand out to Barbatos, wondering how it possibly took you this long to notice that you've always loved both of your best friends, and then wondering how long it will be before Simeon stops tearing-up at you both and grabs Barbatos's hand too.

"Goodness me... you'll have me making quite the scene now, I apologise.." Barbatos mumbles, as if you and Simeon aren't the beginning and end of all dorky scenes, you've both taken each of his hands like you'll never let go. You can see Barbatos's knuckles gently tighten beneath his gloves as he carefully squeezes your hand back, before he pulls away, at first you think this is all too much.

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