They have allergies/hayfever- Simeon, Solomon

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[ I got carried away and decided to include Simeon and Solomon too, they were both fun to come up with things for!! c': ]

Part II - Simeon, Solomon

You arrive at Purgatory Hall to find the sort of chaos usually reserved for the house of Lamentation- Simeon is sitting rather awkwardly on the floor, looking amused and guilty and assuring Luke that he's fine, but Luke is standing on a sofa and bawling that Simeon is NOT fine, and why didn't Simeon tell him that he's allergic to dust, he wouldn't have cleaned with Simeon right there if he had known! Simeon gives a soft laugh and replies that he isn't usually allergic, it must be something in the Devildom in particular (but Luke seems to take this as an even more ominous sign, frowning and moaning and glancing around as if the room must be crawling with invisible demons after all).

Luke seems incredibly relieved when he sees you though, wailing "look what's happened to Simeon!!" as a greeting, then pointing at the other angel, who simply looks amused all over again as he shakes his head.

"Ah, don't mind him. Nothing's happened to me," Simeon smiles, then holds both arms out to you, palms gently outstretched. You move to help him up, but then Simeon hesitates and makes a warning gesture instead, Luke squealing "SEE!" and nearly jumping out of his skin when Simeon politely covers about the most desperate sneeze you've ever heard.

Simeon just sniffles cutely and blinks up at you both like he doesn't understand what all this fuss is about, then says "aww... did I give you a fright, Luke? I'm sorry." But Luke just goes red-faced and declares that Simeon definitely did not give him a fright, he's just worried because he's never heard such a crazy outburst from anyone before, least of all someone from the celestial realm!

"And he's been doing that all morning!" Luke adds accusingly, looking at you for support as Simeon gives you both an affectionate, apologetic smile.

You offer to take Simeon for a walk and Luke insists that you absolutely do and that you look after Simeon and make sure he's okay. Simeon can't help being endeared by Luke's silliness, he lets himself be shepherded out of the room while Luke is still half-hiding behind a couch, glaring fussily at Simeon as if he's trying to spook him on purpose.

When you get outside Simeon offers his hand if you'd like to hold it, and you both give each other the sort of grin where you're also trying not to laugh. You ask Simeon if he's alright and jokingly say you won't ever clean your room before he comes over in that case. But Simeon just beams at you a little sheepishly, saying he doesn't actually think he's allergic to dust.

Then Simeon asks if you might close your eyes, and when you open them, he's holding two flower crowns which Luke made, saying they're for you and Beel. Your heart swells, and Simeon looks at you with all the happiness in the world, saying that even though Luke is shy when it comes to gifting, he actually spent forever finding the right flowers for these and weaving them. You hug Simeon and tell him you're going to hug Luke too even if it emarrases him, and Simeon says he's sure Luke would like that a lot, and that he's glad he managed not to spoil the surprise.


You, Asmo and Solomon are having a mini-sleepover in Asmodeus's bedroom, which starts with Asmo happily showing you his new perfumes. He keeps spraying each scent onto a different part of his skin, holding his arms out to you and Solomon and asking what you think.

"Ugh, Asmo..." Solomon eventually makes a reluctant face, but Asmo only winks and crawls closer to Solomon to insist. Solomon looks even more despairing as he abruptly sneezes into his jumper sleeve, the sound more like a sharp cough, and Asmo wriggles backward in alarm. Asmo's expression looks rather tragic as he sadly shakes his head.

"Hmm. I forgot Solomon doesn't have a very cute sneeze..." Asmo tells you, and he looks so genuinely downcast that you can't help finding it amusing, even though you can hear Solomon's affronted "hey!" in reply.

You would have probably forgotten the incident, if next Asmo hadn't asked for Solomon to help touch up one of the designs on his nailpolish. You're watching while Solomon leans over Asmo's fingernails with a brush, Solomon's hands are apparently steady as a surgeon as he carefully finishes a silvery enamel swirl. Solomon puts down the brush and glittery nailpolish while Asmo hums and admires his work. Then Solomon glances at you, a slightly perturbed expression on his face before he catches another harsh sneeze in his arm, wincing like that one actually hurt.

"Ohhh, it's going to be one of those nights, is it?" Asmo says long-sufferingly, he's clearly not affected by strong fragrances in the slightest. You know Asmo's only teasing, half the time you could swear Solomon's trying just as hard to annoy Asmo on purpose. But tonight Solomon seems to be genuinely suffering, and against all odds, you feel a bit sorry for him.

"Aww, I think Solomon's being kind of adorable," you venture, and both Asmo and Solomon stare at you in shock.

"You do?" Asmo says, disbelieving.

" do?" Solomon says, even more incredulous.

"Sure, in a dorky, embarrassing kind of way," you shrug, laughing at the weight of their reactions. Solomon, who's more used to hearing himself described as 'shady', or 'shifty', or 'up to something', seems oddly endeared by this description, brightening to a smile as he decides he might as well take that as a compliment. Even Asmo melts a little when he sees Solomon's decidedly hopeful grin.


Later, when you're all sitting in Asmo's bubble spa in your bathers, Asmo continues happily chit-chatting as Solomon gently washes your hair. Though almost all of Asmo's products are heavily perfumed, Solomon tries his best not to keep sniffling when he's this close to you, it's only his voice which sounds a bit stuffy when Solomon asks if he's doing okay. You reassure him and Solomon looks quite cheery in return, saying he appreciates your patience, being soft with hair isn't his usual skillset but he likes to think he can learn. Then Solomon quickly turns away from you and toward Asmo, failing miserably as he attempts to hold back another sneeze and sounding even worse than before.

Asmo sighs, then shakes his head mournfully as he tells you "ooh uh.. I'm still not sure if I'm seeing the cute side... maybe we shouldn't invite him to our slumber party next time.."

Asmo can't keep a straight face as Solomon pretends to splash him with water however, and in an instant Asmo is giggling and ducking behind you, saying he's sorry and only joking and both you and Solomon could do anything, he's smitten enough that he'd still find you both adorable.

Solomon shoots you a conspiratorial wink and asks if that includes starting a water fight while Asmo has that special deep-conditioner in his hair, and Asmo squeals to wake the dead, saying yes, including that, but please don't test him too soon. But then Solomon laughs and sniffles and asks if he could maybe get a hug instead, and Asmo immediately hugs both of you so tight that you can't breathe, pinning Solomon's arms to his sides so that Solomon can't mischievously splash him anyway. You can't help laughing too, saying now they both really are being dorky and embarrassing.

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