Character powers and Backstory

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Sorry guys I realised I haven told you what your powers are or your backstory, I forgot.

So you're powers are as follows;

TeleportationMind manipulation, a bit like WandaSuper strength

On your suit Tony added a function like Nat's widow bite but it is a concentrated form of poison, mimicking that of a black mamba snake. It is on your suit's arms and activated with a telepathic field.

Your backstory is as follows;

Grew up with abusive parents until you were 12. Came out at 12 and parents were unsupportive so they kicked you out. 

You were taken in by Hydra who gave you 2 of your powers. You were born with mind manipulation. At 14 you were given your first mission to test your loyalty to Hydra. Kill your parents. You were successful in your mission. You stayed with hydra for 8 years. You never knew your birthday so just assumed you were about 25, because you looked it and it gave you the status of an adult. You are actually 28, you will realise this later on. ( I know I said you are 18 in a previous part but I have aged you up)

The avengers attacked your hydra base when you were 20. They had reports of your recent missions as hydra was trying to create a second winter solider and were nearly successful. They found you and held you in a cell as they tried to decide if you were dangerous or not. You didn't trust any of them except Nat because she seemed different from the others. You would only speak to her but Wanda gained your trust quickly and you let her look inside your head. She told the others you weren't a threat and they gave you a room, offering you a place of the team which you gladly accepted. 

They know about your past with hydra but not with your parents. Only you and Wanda know. You didn't let her tell Nat because you were scared how she would react . You have been with the team for nearly 5 years and have become close with everybody. Nat gained your trust and you gained hers, however she always acted cold around you. This is because she was taught 'love is for children' and she didn't know how to deal with her emotions for you, it scared her. She came around recently and you guys couldn't be happier.

 Wanda soon became your best friend and you and Pietro are close as you play pranks on one another.Tony and Steve are like your dads, but you never told them that. Fury is like your mean uncle but he has a soft side for you. Thor and Loki act like your brothers and gladly accepted you as their unofficial sister.

I realise this is a lot to take in, again I am sorry I didn't post this earlier, it was sitting there as a draft and I just completely forgot about it. Anyway, I hope this clears some things up.

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