Chapter 23

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Y/n's POV

Walking down to breakfast the next day I saw Tony, Pepper and Morgan all sat at the table. Morgan ran up to me and gave me a massive hug, I smiled and swung her onto my hip so I could see her better. Pepper and Tony smiled at me from the table as I held their daughter.

"Good morning, you okay?" I asked the little girl in my arms. She nodded shyly and asked to be put down. I placed her back on the ground and she ran back to her high chair to finish her co-co pops. I sat down in an empty chair and looked at the other two. "How was Dr.Cho?" 

"Good. Me and Banner have some work to do in the lab." Tony said taking his coffee with him before walking out.

"Sorry about him, he gets cranky after long plane rides." Pepper raised apologetically.

"Don't worry about it. How are you?" I asked her. Pepper had become like a mum to me in the first few months of my arrival.

"I'm doing good a little tired though. I was wondering if you could keep an eye on the little one for a bit, whilst I finish some work?" Pepper asked me.

"Yeah that would be great. I'll probably be with Wanda and Pietro. Peter might join after he has done his homework, is that okay?" I asked.

"Sounds great. That alright with you?" She turned to Morgan.

"Yessss!" Morgan smiled as she finished her bowl of cereal.

"Good, I'll see you two later." Pepper said giving us both a kiss on the forehead as she walked out.

Me and Morgan sat on the sofa in the main room watching Scooby-doo when Wanda and Pietro walked in. They took a seat on the sofa and watched the episode with us. Laughing at the inevitable lines at the end of the story.

"And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids and that dog!" Me and Pietro recited.

I switched the TV off and looked at the two Sokovians. "I have Morgan for the day so I wondered if there was anything in particular that you wanted to do?" 

Wanda looked at me and suggested we could go to the park for a bit. Pietro liked that idea and grabbed a loaf of bread and threw it at me. I caught it and looked at him skeptically. 

"For the ducks!" He told me excitedly.

"Ohhh okay. You like the ducks Morgan?" I asked.

Morgan nodded and took the bread from my hands.

"Okay me and Morgan are gonna go get ready then, meet you here in 10?" I asked the others. They both agreed and I took Morgan to her room.


I grabbed Morgan a coat and wellies whilst she got changed into some more waterproof clothes. "Can you tie my hair up?" She asked me once she was done.

"Sure, what you thinking a pony tail?" I asked as I grabbed her hairbrush.

"Plait!" She begged me.

"O-okay." I laughed as I brushed her hair out.

She sat reasonably still and we talked about her dad and the school she was going to go to at the start of September. "Aaand done." I said as I tied the end of the second plait.

Morgan thanked me and grabbed the loaf of bread from her bed before running downstairs, wellies in the other hand and her coat resting just with the hood on her head. I shook my head and smiled to myself before following her. Shortly after Wanda and Pietro came down, accompanied by Peter.

Natasha x Y/NМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя