An unexpected visitor

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An explosion rumbled in the distance, announced by the mushroom cloud of ash, sulphur and concrete a few hundred feet above the site. Beneath, 2 figures shrouded in dust and smoke vanished between vats of oil and gas, carelessly strewn across the landing strip.


At the base, Steve and Tony had gathered the rest of the team in an effort to approach this new problem. As well as an inexplicable explosion of a politically important airfield, there had been sightings of a new problem. Bruce was hunched in front of the computer screens, puzzling to understand his eyes; for there, in front of him, was satellite videography of him, as hulk, destroying labs contained in the airfield base.

Bruce had been called in before the others to explain himself and the evidence, but he could not. At the lack of an answer, the team filed in and sat as Steve rose and began to retell the events of that very morning.

Each of them sat and pondered this information as Bruce paced anxiously. Tony voted for an all guns blazing approach, to find out what happened. Steve sided with Bucky, agreeing on a careful plan, much to his annoyance. Pietro said very little, letting Wanda speak for the two of them, though she was more focused on Clint and Nat. The morning passed with much discussion and, by late afternoon a plan had been devised.


On the air jet was Pietro, Tony, Vision and Thor as they could all fly or move faster than any human could perceive. They would be recon. Nat, Clint, Steve and Bucky would then storm the place with the others aid. It was simple. Nothing could go wrong.

As darkness fell, the explosion had settled and left behind a tense, forbidding and ominous unseen presence. The twins felt it sharply but said nothing. Once in position, they waited for the call. An arrow hit the opposite wall deftly, Clint's new silent arrows were perfect for a high-stakes mission. Following the call, they crept out of position to discover what was going on.


Bruce sat in front of the monitors, watching the camera feeds to discover what the satellite had captured. He was often left out of missions, too afraid to hulk out and hurt those around him.

He watched carefully, seeing nothing but darkness and cloud. Until a flash of green ran around the corner, and he stood mouth agape. 'It can't be.' He murmured. 'I must warn the others.'

"JARVIS, contact Mr.Stark now, it's urgent."

"Call received." Came the reply.

"Tony listen, there's no time, you have to get out of there now." Bruce whispered hurriedly.


"Get out of there. You don't understand, it's me but not, it's idk but you have to leave!"




"Tony, are you there?"

"Call disconnected." JARVIS cut through.

"NO." Bruce roared, punching the desk. "I have to warn them."

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