Chapter 30

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This will be all Nat's POV, her thoughts and comments will be in italics.

Nat's POV

I felt my body moving suddenly. It hurtled along what seemed to be the hospital corridors, at least I am guessing so. I was in a weird state of paralysis. My mind was awake and aware of everything around me but I just couldn't do anything. My eyes were shut so that I couldn't see, but my ears were working and I could hear everything. My memory started to replay of things I had heard whilst asleep. Just little snippets of conversations.

"I know that - uhm, you probably can't hear me." Steve chuckled at himself humourlessly, "But I- I uhm. I just wanted to say that you saved my life."

I can hear you! I wanted to yell but my stubborn body refused.

"You saved my life and I am really thankful for that. I'm so sorry, I really am for putting your life in danger like that. It must have been a set up we were only expecting so many Hydra agents and then there were masses it just-." He broke off.

He sounded so hurt, and almost like he was grieving already. 'I'm trying Steve.' I thought to myself angrily.

"What I am trying to say is that I am sorry. I need you, the team needs you but most importantly Y/n needs you. She is trying so hard to stay strong but I know inside she is breaking. You mean the world to her, even if she doesn't express it in the best way. If you die-" Steve's voice began to shake. "If you die, I don't know what we will do. You have been there since the beginning, you're my best friend on the team and you help us when we don't know what we are doing. Nat we are lost without you, I am lost without you." He sighed and wiped a tear from my cheek.

'Emotional as always Cap.' I thought to myself.

'Y/n.... Shit I miss her.'

"Look at me getting emotional." He cleared his throat. "Just come back to us okay?"

'I'm trying.'

Then nothing for a while. Just the gentle hum of machinery and the occasional voice of was that a doctor or a nurse?

"IV fluids in her arm plus an x-ray and a head CT scan."

Again a familiar voice cut through my thoughts.

"Please Nat." y/n whispered hoarsely. "You've suffered worse than this." She joked lightly. "C'mon this can't be the thing that beats you, you're way too strong for that."

'Y/n!' I nearly smiled at the sound of her voice, I would have except my body wasn't really moving much right now.


'She fell for me? Like properly? I mean I thought so but we never really confused anything.'


'I would smirk at you, y/n but you only ever make me smile.' - Ugh how cheesy I thought

A bit of crying filled the room, presumably Y/n. I just wanted to give her a hug right now.

A second voice cut through my memories.

"Her monitors, something isn' right." Y/n said urgently.

"I need you both to leave the room." Someone said seriously.

'What? What is it? What's wrong!' I hated not knowing things.

A sharp turn made me snap back to whatever half life I was living, able to feel and hear but not see or move.

"Get her into surgery now!" An order was barked.


"Here." I heard a small object being passed above my body which had been lifted onto a bed. Then a sharp pain in my upper left arm as I was injected with something. Almost instantly I felt myself become lighter, like I was floating. Soon there were no thoughts and it was peaceful, numb and quiet for a long time.


{Time skip of 2 days}

(Y/n has been crying every day, Steve too. The team visited for a while and dropped off some food and get well cards and toys for Nat. Fury spoke with the hospital and Nats surgery was successful.)

"I can't keep doing this Steve." I heard Y/n say softly.

"You have to..... For her." Came the reply.

"I don't want to. I don't want to feel this awful pain everyday that I wake up. I just, I cant do it." Y/n sounded so broken.

"You will wait for her though y/n, like I will." Steve sounded certain.

"As long as she needs, I will give it to her." Y/n promised.

"C'mon, lets go to bed." Steve told y/n.

"I'm going to sleep here tonight." Y/n told him.

"3 night in a row? That not killing your back, sleeping in that chair?"

"Barely notice it anymore." Y/n said.

3 days! She needed to go to bed properly, this wasn't going to be good for her.

"Well I am going to bed, call me if you need anything at all." Steve told her.

"Will do....thank you."

Time moved wierdly over the next few hours. My memories replayed over and over again, leaving for the mission, the actual mission, the ambush by the Hydra agents, the medical team and then the weird snippets of conversations I overheard until now. No more doctors or nurses had come in and from what I can tell, it is just a waiting game for me to wake up.

I don't know why I haven't though, it's all I want to do.


Hey guys, there should be another part up straight after this one to try and make up for the lack of posting x

Here is your reminder to;

- Go on a walk or some form of exercise today please.

- Go and get a glass of water and no energy drinks do not count!

- Spend time with family or friends, if you are able to.

- Go and do that one thing that you needed to do today that you haven't done yet.

- Please try and eat at least one meal today, or a box of cherry tomatoes if you would rather :)

- 6-8 hours is the preferred amount so aim for that please!

Have a brilliant day lovely readers

Love Tyler x

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