Chapter 27

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Warnings: Sad again,  my apologies dearest readers

Nat's POV


I  was checking the last rendezvous site for the evening. Steve and I had been given 4 locations to check each night and we were on the final one. My job was to get inside, hack into the computers and security systems to get as much information as possible. Steve was my getaway driver, protection and he would conduct an interrogation using his large frame to intimidate the measly German scientists.

The first part was easy. Their systems were weak and we broke into the compound quickly and quietly. Steve took the right and I took the left sides of the building. About half way round I sensed that something was wrong and dived the the left, avoiding the spray of bullets that flew to where I was stood. I was breathing rather heavily from shock but my training kicked in almost instantaneously and I found my targets. They were hiding in the trees and so I threw a widow bite at them, electrocuting them to fall out of the tree.

Behind me I heard soft footsteps against the coarse gravel. I span and rolled away, avoiding another gun. Seriously, could they not at least be creative with their weapons? 

"Steve, we got company on the left. I could do with some back-up, theres maybe 7 agents here." I spoke into my comms, receiving nothing but static in response. I gritted my teeth and turned to my aggressors.

They fanned out, surrounding me and closed in cautiously. I used my signature black widow move to take out 2 of them before clashing their heads together. Next I electrocuted a soldier and used his body as a shield to move forwards. 3 more agents advanced and tried to shoot me. I was too fast and had taken the gun, disarmed it and butted the butt of the gun onto the side of one guys head, knocking him out cold. The other two took out some sort of nunchucks which I easily used against them, kicking them down for good measure. Thinking I was done I relaxed my stance until, just a second too late I heard another man, he had his arms around my neck, choking me slightly in his tight grip. I tried to elbow him and knee him in the groin but he held me too tight. As I began to loose oxygen I decide to try and bite the agent but his coat was nearly 6 layers thick and I did no damage at all.

Laughing cruelly he threw me to the ground and about 8 agents stood over me, guns pointing at my chest. I sighed and tried to find a way out of this. Before I could I felt a sharp pain in my neck as someone shot me with a dart a few meters away. I growled and ran at the wall of agents, hoping to break through. They beat me back easily and kicked me down, punching and scratching at me as I fought back. Their strong boots bruising my skin and one brought out a small knife. With a sadistic smile he knelt down close to my face as 6 other men held me down. 

"It would be a shame to mess up such a pretty face." He held my jaw in his other hand.

"You think I'm pretty?" I joked without thinking. HE smirked and nodded at the other men who held me tighter and pushed my neck towards the blade. They only stopped once a small line of blood had been drawn. He smashed his foot onto my face, nearly breaking my nose and dropped his gun on my ribs. I groaned in pain.

"Hey!" Steve's voice rang out loud and true. I breathed a slight sigh of relief, thinking he would save me. "Let Widow go."

"Not a chance." The man with the pocket knife said.

"Her for him." Steve held up a small man with brown eyes, brown hair and a pathetic moustache. "You need him right? He knows all the secrets about everything and without him your little....scheme, fails." He stated. "So I tell you again, her for him."

I waited for what felt like forever as the stand off occurred. In reality it was more like 15 seconds until the penknife man conceded with a gap toothed smiled. "Sure."

Steve relaxed and threw the man into the middle of the ground between us and him. Pen knife man took me by the arm and threw me down in the middle. Next he took his gun and shot me in the hip before Steve could get to me and kicked me a few more times for good measure before lodging his knife in my upper thigh. I screamed in agony and Steve threw his shield, knocking the other men out one by one, before kneeling by me.

"Nat, oh Nat." He murmured as he looked at my wounds.

My eye was black and swollen. There was blood oozing from the back of my head. My arm had bone sticking out of it and my ankle bent the wrong way. It hurt to breathe as my ribs protested against any movement and the rest of me was covered in blood, dirt and bruises.

"Here." He took off his outer layer and pressed it against my gun wound before picking me up bridal style and carrying me a short distance away. He laid me on the ground and I could feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I screwed them shut and tried to focus on something else, anything else. My mind rested on y/n. The idiot who made me smile on my worst days. The goofball who made anything simple seem complicated. The gorgeous girl I had fallen in deep for. I was missing her like crazy and just to see her again I fought the ever increasing urge to surrender to sleep.

"There is a medical team about 8 minutes away. They are gonna drive us to the helipad and then we are going to be flown into the hospital and they're gonna take good care of you Nat. You will be okay I promise." Steve told me gravely.

"D-don't make,...cant keep." I wheezed as I coughed up some blood.

"Don't talk like that. You will be fine, I know you will." He stayed with me talking and rambling to keep me conscious until the medical team arrived.

Next thing I know someone is injecting me with a bright blue liquid and I feel my body being lifted off of the ground and onto a stretcher. Steve sat next to me, being checked over by someone else and I closed my eyes just for a moment. But my body had other ideas and handed me over to sleep completely. The last thing I saw was Steve's worried eyes searching my face for any good news. It broke my heart and I swear it will be ingrained in my memory until the end of time.


This chapter was a little different, but I hope it helps being able to see everyone's pov.

Reminder to;

Go and get a glass of water, we all know you have not drunk enough today.

Try and eat at least one meal today, I know it is annoying and time consuming but it's good for you, I promise.

Go on a walk or some form of exercise today. Just go outside for 10-15 minutes at the very least.

Finally to my insomniacs and people who do not sleep ever. (you know who you are)

FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS GAY PLEASE GO TO BED, GET SOME ACTUAL SLEEP (that is longer than 30 minutes!) PLEASE I BEG OF YOU TO LET YOUR BODY REST. Just pls try really   hard to do that one thing that you need before you go even more bat shit crazy okay?

I love you all and I hope you had the day you deserved x

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