★ treasure map - ep.thirty-eight

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bold words in speech / dialogue - in english

italic words in speech / dialogues - in japanese

normal words in speech / dialogues - in korean

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"You chased, played games, took auditions, and even got into acting. Today is your free day." Eunbyul frowned as Junghwan spoke, finding the words very suspicious. "Everything here is our treat. Just give us enough footage. T-MAP footage special!" She looked at the staff incredulously, raising her brows in question.

"Obviously, making enough footage is not easy. The staff doesn't want to give us a free day, they just want us to understand their suffering of making content," she explained what she grasped from the cue card. "Right?"

Eunbyul covered her mouth as she burst into laughter, seeing Jeongwoo do a weird dance as their episode opening. She crouched behind Mashiho as the others turned to look at her, struggling to hold in her laughs.

"Let's sled!" Jihoon announced, saving Eunbyul from the attention as they quickly moved on, racking their brains for ideas to make more content.

Jaehyuk and Jeongwoo went first, letting Haruto and Eunbyul get a chance since there were only eleven tracks. The female awkwardly made eye-contact with the camera as she sledded down, realising that it was a really short footage.

"It took us ten minutes to get ready, and it's all over in ten seconds," she stated, giving a small smile as she looked at the staff, trying to figure out something else to do. "Wah, the day just started, and the episode is already a disaster."

Junghwan and Eunbyul played around with the snow as the older members discussed on what more to do. Eunbyul stood on the sled, looking over at Junghwan who was lying forward. The two exchanged looks before readying themselves to sled down, with Junghwan pushing himself forward while Eunbyul kicked back.

"I have done skateboarding before, it's kind of like that, yeah?" She thought to herself, realising how dumb her idea was only after she pushed her foot back. "I need a board, not whatever this is."

Eunbyul's startled scream grabbed everyone's attention, seeing her shakily — yet successfully — make her way to the bottom of the track. "Woah, Eunbyul! So cool! Go, Eunbyul!" The boys cheered for her, laughing when she tumbled over in the end, landing face-first on the snow.

"I'm okay!" She raised her hand, showing a 'thumbs up' gesture before the others got worried. She grabbed the sled Junghwan had let go before making her way up towards the others.

Everyone played around before going sledding together, by holding onto each other's legs to link everyone as they sledded. Eunbyul was first starting the chain as Mashiho held onto her feet. Even though the impact of all the sleds hitting hers at the end wasn't great, Eunbyul had a fun time hearing the others laugh and scream as they went down the track.

Their playfulness seemed to have no end, and as soon as everyone finished their solo and group sledding, a snow fight broke out. TREASURE was very competitive — more amongst their members than they were with others — and it was clearly seen with the way they played.

There was a lot of laughing, screaming and falling — and a combo of all three if Jihoon was chasing them — but everyone had a lot of fun.

"Let's get sculpting now!" Jihoon announced as all of them made their way to the mountain of artificial snow, seeing a block of snow ready for them to sculpt. Deciding on making a diamond, Hyunsuk, Yoshi, Junkyu and Doyoung started working, while the others went their own ways, finding fun stuff to do.

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