Chapter 13: Planning It Out (fluff)

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» heads up «
- lil swearing u-u
- other ship u-u

Clay and George woke up to the screams of Nick. "What the hell?!" Clay sat up quickly, jumping out of bed and bursting through the door. George followed after, hiding behind him. "There's a bloody spider!!" Nick screamed, pointing at a large wolf spider crawling silently on the concrete wall. Bad and Zak soon came running through to see what the commotion was about. "Oh my goodness!! How did that get in here?!" Bad screamed, cowering behind Zak. Zak ran to the kitchen, slamming open Nick's cupboards. He took out a big, see-through bowl. Zak squinted his eyes closed, quickly trapping the spider, "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my GOD!!" He squealed. "Get me paper or something!" Zak turned to Nick and Bad. They haven't noticed George and Clay just yet. Bad came back with a piece of paper that he found in Nick's office. "H-Here!" Bad said, handing Zak the paper. With that, Zak let the spider out. He had to hold it from right under the paper, since it was too weak for the spiders weight. It was warm and squirming. All of the boys were relieved. "Phew.." Nick sighed, closing his eyes. "You did it, muffin!" Bad hugged Zak, starting to blush. "Whoa. That was scary.." George finally quaked. The three turned to them. "H-How long have you been there??" Bad spoke. "As long as it took for you guys to catch that thing." Clay muttered, putting his hand on his hip. "Aww.. did my scweaming interrwupt you two cuddwing~?" Nick teased. "Well.. yeah actually." George blushed. "Oh. Well too bad." Nick smirked, "We're all going to have a boys night out!" Nick screamed, lifting his arms up in the air. Bad gasped, "That sounds like fun!" Everyone else nodded in agreement. "Oh, Clay." Nick muttered. Clay tilted his head, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. "Go put on a shirt, you're making George blush." Nick hinted. Clay's eyes widened. He grabbed a pillow and covered himself with it. George covered his face with his hands, making sure no one saw his red face. Clay grabbed George's hand, running to the guest room.

Clay closed the door behind him, they could both hear giggling from behind the door. "Georgie, can I pick you up?" Clay sounded nervous. "Uh.. Sure? Let me just get changed first." George walked over to his suitcase. He pulled out grey sweatpants. Then, he started to dig around in Clay's bag, "George?" Clay questioned. George tugged out one of Clay's smile hoodies. It was a black one. He slipped on the sweats and hoodie, the hoodie was a 'little' too big for him, but he still wore it. "Ok, now you can!" George smiled, lifting up his arms in front of Clay. "Hold on, let me get dressed now.." Clay started walking over to his bag and George lazily put his arms down. Clay pulled out black jeans from his bag, he then swapped over to George's, taking out one of his shirts. He slipped on the two pieces of clothing, smiling. "Smells like you!" Clay wheezed. "Pfft.. what do I smell like, exactly?" George giggled. "Britain." Clay said with a serious tone. "What?!" George burst out laughing. Clay walked up to George, picked him up and kissed him. "My little bean." Clay whispered. George nuzzled his face in Clay's chest, blushing a ruby tone. "Stop.." he mumbled. Clay chuckled, opening the door and walking out with George in his arms.

George and Clay heard Bad call them out, "Aww! Look at you two muffins!" Both blushed while Zak and Nick smiled. "Alright boys, we must plan. What should we do tonight?" Nick said out of the blue. It was silent for a few minutes. Zak and Bad sat down on the couch, sitting next to each other. "What about.. The park!" Bad suggested. "No no, that's very boring. It's supposed to be fun, exiting! Ya know?" Nick said, slumping down on the sofa. "Yeah, that's a little.. soft, Bad." Zak squinted. "I guess you're right.. Then what should we do?" Bad sighed. "What if.. we go to a bar?" Zak suggested. "That would be cool! There's a lot to do there, depending on which one we go to." Clay sparked. "Hm, yeah! There could be a lot to do." George approved, jumping out of Clay's grasp. Nick nodded. "A-A bar?! B-But.. it could be dangerous.." Bad whispered shyly. Zak turned to him and blushed. "I-I'll protect you, Bad!" Clay wiggled his eyebrows. "Ok. Let's cut to the chase, are you two dating?" George asked. Zak went red, while Bad just had a slight touch of blush. "N-No! Of course not.." Bad quickly muttered. Zak looked down, slightly frowning. "Hey Nick, Clay. I need to talk to you." George smiled. Clay knew what he was doing. "Oh, ok, Georgie poo!" Clay replied, smiling. "Eh?" Nick mumbled. As they were walking away, George whispered in Zak's ear: "Talk to him." George smiled and walked away with the two. That left Zak and Bad on the couch. They looked at each other, blushing and smiling awkwardly.

"Dude, I ship them so hard." George smirked, walking to the kitchen with Nick and Clay. "I know right, they would be such a cute couple!" Clay squealed, clapping his hands. "Yeah.. but, what did you whisper in Zak's ear?" Nick questioned. "Oh, I whispered: 'Talk to him'" George replied, smirking. "Ooh, they're totally getting together." Clay whispered. Nick started smiling at both of them. "Can you guys just.. hug, quickly." Nick suddenly spoke. "Uh.. why?" George asked. "Just hug!" Nick groaned. The two looked at each other, after a longing stare, they embraced each other. Nick snapped a photo of them and quickly ran upstairs to his room. "Posting this on Twitter!" Nick screamed from his room. "Don't you fucking dare Nick!" Clay screamed back, "I haven't done a face reveal yet!!" Clay ran up the stairs. He kept banging on the door, pleading Nick to delete the photo. George stood there, laughing. "Clay, you'll have to do a face reveal eventually." George snickered. Clay turned to George, "It's more than that.." He whispered, fidgeting. "Well.. what are the other reasons? Or, reason." George slowly walked up to Clay, his smile slowly turning upside down. "It's.. It's not important, Georgie." Clay smiled, turning back to the door. "Nick, don't you dare!" Clay screamed. George was suspicious of Clay, he decided he was going to ask again later. Hopefully he would tell him then! "Fine, I won't." Nick opened the door, "You're such a party pooper!" Nick walked out, smiling. "I would've killed you Nick, I swear to god." Clay rolled his eyes, placing his hand in George's and tugging him to follow. George walked up close to Clay, holding onto his arm. Clay looked at George, starting to giggle softly. "What?" George asked, as they continued to follow Nick. "It's nothing, you're just really cute." Clay smirked, looking forward again. George started blushing, he had butterflies in his stomach. "S-Stop.. I'm not cute." George said certain. "George, butterflies can't see their own wings." Clay quietly pinned George to a wall, "But we can see them. We can see how beautiful and amazing they truly are. You're the butterfly, George.. I just wish you could see yourself through my eyes." With that, Clay softly kissed him. He got off of George, so that he was free from the pin. George just stood against the wall blushing. "Come on, let's go, Georgie poo!" Clay smiled, holding George's warm hand tightly. He pulled George up to him, put his arm around his shoulder and started walking to the rest.

George loved holding Clays hand. He loved embracing any part of him, but especially just the slight touch of a hand hold. It always made him feel warm inside, like he was protected, like he was safe.
When they got to the rest, Nick, George and Clay found Bad sleeping on Zak's shoulder. "Ooh.. what did you guys talk about?~" Nick teased. "N-Normal stuff.. Minecraft, ducks, muffins.. That stuff. Don't know what you expected." Zak whispered, trying not to wake up Bad. George frowned, he was disappointed. George hoped that they would talk about other stuff. Involving each other's relationship. "Mission failed.. We'll get em' next time." George whispered in Clay's ear. Clay started wheezing.
"I'm surprised that wheeze didn't wake Bad up." Zak whispered, giggling. "Guys, about the bar thing.. We'll have to drive quite far, there's this one specific bar that would be really fun to go to!" Nick exclaimed. "Oh, then we can just drive there, doesn't matter how long the drive is. We're going to have fun today!" George said, full of confidence. "Yeah!" Nick and Clay screamed. Now, this woke Bad up. "Huh..?" Bad squinted, rubbing his eyes. "Noo! You woke him up!" Zak complained. He hugged Bad really tightly. "Sorry.." George apologised. "Don't be such a bitch, Zak. We need to include him in our conversation anyway." Nick crossed his arms. "Language!!" Bad squealed. Clay walked over to Nick, letting go of George's grip. "How long is the ride?" He asked. Nick started tapping his phone, it took him a while to answer.
"About.. an hour 40." Nick finally said. "Eish, ok, we'll all have to pack a small bag of something. Just to keep us entertained in the car ride. "Great plan." Zak agreed to Clays suggestion.

"Well, we better start then.." Bad yawned.
George looked at Clay, smiling. He walked up to him and whispered: "I love you, Clay.."
Clay looked flustered. That took him by surprise.
He turned to face George, grabbing his waist and whispering back: "I love you too, Georgie."

(1644 words o-o sorry this one was quite boring :') i havent had much motivation ;-; the next one will hopefully be more exiting! have a great day/night :3)
(ps- thank you @Shy_frisky for reminding me that Bad is uncomfortable with people using his real name in fanfics ^-^)

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