Team Nouis and Team... TBD

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Molly's POV

I hauled my bags up to my hotel room with the help of Harry and Louis. Harry is rooming next to mine and Louis is three doors down.

I threw my bags to a corner and turned to see the rest of the room. It has all the essentials that you could think of with a massive King sized bed in the middle of the room.

"Hey, Molly." I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Niall leaning against the doorframe with his bags laying next to him.

"Erm, hey. Where are you staying?"

He chucked and shook his head. "They weren't expecting me to bring a guest and all the rooms are booked for the holidays. We're rooming together for the trip."

You've got to be kidding me. 


I found myself down in the lobby since Niall wanted to change and do other manly stuff that men do.

Manly, my ass. I bet he's either painting his nails or using my body lotion for his dry legs.

I snapped back to reality when I felt a dip next to me and a mop of brown curls tickle my cheek.

"Hey Molly," Harry smiled and moved away a tad. "What're you doing down here?"

I smiled sheepishly up at him as I ducked my head. "I'm actually sharing a room with Niall and he had to do some man things. I didn't want to get in the way or... see anything."

As soon as I explained I heard Harry bark out laughter, "So you got stuck with Niall as a roomie? He's going to be ecstatic."

I gave him a weird look, wondering what he meant by that. "What do you mean?"

"Oh nothing," Harry quickly responded. "So what's going on with you and Ni? Update me because we all want to know."

I could feel myself blush as I thought about the progress that me and Niall have accomplished since he first arrived back in Ireland.

"You're blushing! I knew something was going on."

"No, nothing is going on! It just got really hot in here. But I'm glad Niall is back in my life, that's all I have to say."

Harry gave me a suspicious look, not believing my answer. "If you say so."

"Anyways - do you want to help me set up another prank on Ni? He got me pretty bad in Ireland and I think he's winning." He nodded and we searched the halls for some inspiration.

"Do you want to see if we have any supplies in my room? I think I have some string and some foil. That has to count as something."

He nodded, but then paused. "Won't Niall be in the room? He might get suspicious and figure it out."

Well I'm an idiot for not even thinking of where Niall would be.

"Here, let me call him." I took out my phone and put him on speakerphone.

"Hello?" His thick Irish accent broke through.

"Hey, Ni. Where are you?"

"In Tommo's room. Why?"

Shit shit shit! Well what am I suppose to say now?

"Erm because I wanted to see if it was safe to come back into the room."

"Oh, yeah! I was done about half an hour ago." I blew out a sigh of relief as he bought it.

"Thanks for telling me, ya twat. See you later."

"Bye, ya cunt."

I quickly hung up and Harry smiled.

"You two are so cute." I gasped dramatically and he barked out a laugh.

"Don't start with this. We're barely friends right now," I explained as I felt my cheeks heat up. We would be cute though.

"Oh I heard he screwed up. What exactly did he do?" We entered the elevator and it started to go up.

"He never called or contacted me back. He didn't keep his promise and completely forgot about me." 

"I think it's partly our fault that he never contacted you. We accidentally deleted your number off of his phone." Harry scratched the back of his neck as he looked incredibly guilty.

"What?" I asked, but before I could get an answer, the elevator opened. I looked at Harry one more time before taking off down the hall. I noticed that the door was already open, but I didn't think anything of it.

It was just Niall being stupid again.

I charged right into the opening, but was immediately flung back. I rubbed my arms at the stinging feeling of plastic on it.

What the hell?

Harry didn't notice the little incident and ran right past me and into the doorway. He flew back into the wall with an "Ow!"

I was about to get up when I saw Niall and Louis clutching their stomachs while laughing their asses off.

"They actually fell for it!" Louis yelled. Niall nodded and dropped the container that was in his hand. I got up and walked over to pick up the box. As I saw the plastic hanging out, I sighed at how stupid I was.

Saran Wrap.

"Team Nouis gets a point!" Team Nouis? The hell?

"Wait? We're doing teams now?" They nodded.

"Well then Team... Team... Well me and Harry are gonna kick ass once we find a team name." They laughed and then went back into Louis's room.

I helped Harry up and whispered, "We're so gonna dominate, mate."

Game On, Horan (Niall Horan Love Story) EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now