Chapter 41

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Please if you don't remember what happened in the last chapter, reread it before you read this!


Molly's POV

"Hey, Molly," I looked up from my bed innocently as I watched Niall stroll into our hotel room. He took a bite out of his burrito and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Hey, Ni," I sat up and eyed his burrito warily.

I want one.

"I would've brought you one, but I didn't know what you wanted on it," Niall shrugged and stood up, kicking his shoes off and walking to his suitcase.

"It's the same order from when I was a kid," I looked at Niall shamefully as I furrowed my eyebrows.

Niall looked back quickly, making me look away, "Chicken, lettuce, salsa, and rice?"


As I nodded my head, Niall snorted, "They didn't have chicken, just beef."

"A burrito is a burrito. It doesn't matter what's on the inside because it'll taste good no matter what," I crossed my arms and pouted as Niall took the last bite.

"Whatever you say Molly. I'm gonna head into the shower because we're probably doing something tonight," I watched as he picked up a towel that was neatly folded on the main dresser before turning back to me and saluting.

Once he disappeared from my sight and the bathroom door closed, I whispered, "Have fun, you little wanker."

As the shower head turned on, I picked myself up and out of bed. I slipped on a sweatshirt and a pair of slippers before exiting the hotel room, and walking the short distance to Harry's hotel room.

Once I got to the door, I knocked the beat to What Makes You Beautiful, entertaining myself. There was a moment before the door opened to a grinning Harry.

"Terrible song choice," he laughed before stepping to the side, letting me in.

"Niall just went into the shower," I jumped on his bed and sat criss-cross applesauce. "Anything new on Zayn?"

Harry leaned up against his dresser and crossed his arms, "Zayn said he was taking a shower as soon as he was getting back so he should be getting out any second now."

"Well, while we're waiting, wanna get something to eat with me?" I got up and looked at him with pleading eyes.

Harry sighed before nodding, "I just ate, but yeah, why not."

I clapped my hands and grabbed his hand, dragging him out of the hotel room. Once we were in the hallway, I let go of his hand, not wanting to give him any ideas, and walked over to the elevator.

"Do you think they're gonna be mad?" I asked, leaning on one of the railings.

"Zayn, maybe, but Niall probably won't be," I bit my lip nervously, remembering that I forgot to tell Harry a minor detail.

"I, erm, forgot to tell you something," Harry raised one of his eyebrows and looked at me warily. "I put itching powder in their shampoo, conditioner, and body wash."

I watched Harry's eyes grow wide before he looked at me, "Molly!"

Yeah, they're going to be more than mad.


So it turns out that they did have chicken as a choice for burritos.

"Niall lied," I took the last bite of my burrito and tossed the foil into the nearest trash can.

Game On, Horan (Niall Horan Love Story) EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now