Chapter 21

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A few weeks later I was managing to speak a lot better.

I didn't sleep well, constantly worried that I might slip back into the comatose state that I had been in for almost 2 years.

Waking up had been bittersweet. More bitter than sweet actually. I was of course glad to still be alive but learning that my relationship with Joe had been one big dream and that he was actually was marrying someone else, not to mention that Matt was gone as well, tore me up inside.

Apparently, all the colleagues of Joe that I had met and worked with in my dreams had actually visited me during my coma. Some of them even became regular visitors. They didn't know me but when Joe had told them about what had happened to his best friend, they all visited me to support him.

It was a nice gesture and I was grateful as I had never truly been alone in my dreams and I knew that was because of their company.

I had asked my mom and Evelyne not to tell Joe anything yet as he along with all his colleagues were currently on a European tour. I knew that Joe would drop everything as soon as he heard.

I was having physical therapy every day to get some of my movement back. It was a slow and tiring process but it was worth it. Walking was still not possible but I could use my arms fairly well and I could sit up on my own.

I was also not bound to any machines anymore as my body seemed to be functioning well on its own again. This meant that I was now able to move around in a wheelchair now.

Dr. Wayne had taken great care of me and today he'd finally clear me for release. He asked me to come back for regular checkups though and to continue my physical therapy.

"Would it be okay for me to travel?" I asked dr. Wayne as he was doing a final checkup before he'd officially release me.

"That depends." Dr. Wayne looked up at me as he finished the tests "You shouldn't overextend yourself. However, if you promise to watch out for yourself, take it easy and not travel too far then it shouldn't be a problem. I suspect you want to go see your friends?"

I nodded in confirmation "I feel like I owe them a thank you and they have their first show back in the states tonight. Also, I suspect that they planned on coming here straight after that show and I don't want them to drive all night to see me when they are already exhausted. That's just asking for accidents to happen."

Dr. Wayne chuckled "That is very true. And even though I am a doctor, I'd rather prevent having patients than treating them."

"So, what's the verdict? Am I good to go?" I asked him.

"Yes, you are good to go. You are doing better than most would in your situation. You sure are a real fighter." He assured me before turning to walk out.

"Dr. Wayne?"

He looked back at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Thank you, for everything."


Later that day Evelyne was taking me to the arena where Raw would be taped tonight. She had tried to update me on everything as best as she could.

Joe, Jon and Colby were all on the raw brand as of the most recent draft which made me glad that I'd get to see all 3 of them. Rebecca and Trinity wouldn't be there though as they had been drafted to Smackdown.

"You sure you are ready for this?" Evelyne asked me.

I had ended up telling her all about the dream I had during the coma. I had told her every little detail about it and my feelings.

Of course, much like the Evelyne in my dream, the real Evelyne had been suspicious of my feelings all along.

Unlike dream Evelyne however, the real Evelyne hadn't had a relationship with Matt. It was something that had saddened us both dearly.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I assured her "I can handle it."

Evelyne pulled up into a parking lot "Okay, your mom called ahead to Stephanie so she could let security know to let you backstage. Steph promised to keep it a surprise."

"Thank you." I nodded relieved.

Evelyne stepped out and walked around the car in order to help me get into my wheelchair. "You're welcome. Do you need anything else?"

"I'll be fine. Are you sure you don't want to come?" I asked her.

Evelyne had offered to drive me here but had decided not to go backstage.

"I'm sure... I just can't. It reminds me too much of him."

"It's okay." I tried to comfort her. I knew my words had little effect but I still wanted her to know. It couldn't have been easy to see the person you love die.

"Good luck, call me once you need me to come and get you." She told me after wiping a tear away.

I nodded and started to roll myself to the backstage entrance. I was careful not to overdo it though. I was going on a steady but slow pace.

Once I reached the backstage entrance a security guard loomed over me.

"You must be miss. Scott." It was more a statement than a question.

"I am." I chuckled "What gave it away?"

"Mrs. McMahon gave me your description. I was appointed to guide you backstage."

"That's very nice of her." I smiled "So you'll take me where I want to go?"

"Yes, for now that is the plan." He nodded "I'm Leroy."

"Well Leroy, think you could take me to a person instead of a place."

"Of course. Let me take you to him." Leroy smiled and started to push my wheelchair backstage.

"You know who I'm talking about?"

"Course. Everyone who works here knows about his best friend who was in a coma."

I chuckled "I should have known. Many of his coworkers did come to visit me after all."


It didn't take long for us to find his locker room.

I told Leroy that I would be fine from here so we bid our goodbyes before I rolled myself over to the door. I lightly knocked and hoped that he had heard me.

It took a few seconds but right as I was about to knock again, the door opened.

I looked up at him, the real him, for the first time in two years and smiled.


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