chapter 17

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The big night was finally here, WrestleMania had come. I knew that all my coworkers were going to be there tonight, including Joe. Before I worried about that however, Stephanie wanted to talk to me first.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her.

"No, nothing is wrong." She assured me. "I just wanted to let you know that I want you to address the WWE universe before your match."

"You want what?" I asked, already getting stressed.

"Don't worry Jon will be out there with you." She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay fine so after that I will have my match, right?" I asked.

"Yes, that's correct. Think you can handle it?" She wanted to know.

"Yeah, I will be fine." I said while I actually meant to say 'I hope so'.

"Good now go out there and Raychel, just be yourself." She added before I walked out of the office.

Once I was out of her office, my phone alerted me of an incoming text.

It was a text from Rebecca.

'Meet us at the locker room'

Us? Who was she talking about? Please don't let it be Joe.

'Who is us?'

I got a reply pretty quickly, guess she had been waiting for me to text her back

'Jon, Seraya, Trinity, Mercedes and me'

I let out a relieved sigh but wondered why they had all gathered there. Was there an intervention going on? Was he going to be there anyway?

'Why are you all in my locker room?'

I anxiously waited for the reply

'Just come already I promise he isn't here'

I guess Rebecca knew me well enough to know what had been going through my mind.

'Fine I'm on my way but I swear I'll kill you if you lied to me'


When I walked into my locker room, I was glad to see that Rebecca hadn't lied to me.

"So why are you all here?" I wanted to know.

"Well." Seraya started "We wanted to wish you luck."

"Thank you." I was glad that my friends all had my back but I knew them better than this. "That isn't everything though, is it?"

"No, it's not. We wanted to make sure that you are okay." Trinity admitted. "So, are you okay?"

"I'm as fine as I can be." I told them. "I know it still doesn't feel quite like it used to but I will give it my all out there like always."

"Of course you will." Jon smiled "I have no doubt about that but please, don't lose sight of what is really important."

"Which is?" I asked.

"To have fun Raych, just have fun out there." Rebecca told me answered.

"If your head is too busy thinking about all the bad things, it will affect your match." Mercedes explained further. "So just have fun, the bad things can wait till after the match."

"It's nice to know that you worry about me but please don't. I will have fun tonight, I promise." I was touched by the fact that they all just wanted me to be okay. "But please promise not to worry so much about me."

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