Chapter 23

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A couple of months had passed by. I was slowly getting more movement and muscle back. By now I was walking on crutches instead of moving around in a wheelchair.

I had been visiting WWE quite often and some of the friends that I had during my dream were now my actual friends. There were also some new friends like Matt and his younger brother Jeff. They had become very good friends to me over the past months.

Right now, I was heading to see the people at Smackdown along with Joe and his cousin Jonathan.

We all were going there for different reasons and yet to see the same people. I went there to see some of the people who had been my best friends in my comatic dream. Jonathan wanted to come because his wife was on Smackdown and Joe came because of his fiancée being part of that roster.

The girls in question were Trinity Fatu and, you guessed it, Rebecca Quinn.

At first, when I realized it had been Rebecca who Joe had proposed to, I was pissed. I wanted to hate Rebecca so bad, but I couldn't. I had quickly realized that the real Rebecca was even more selfless, thoughtful and sweet than she had been in my head. It was almost impossible to dislike her.

"You know what, we should all go out tonight." Jonathan suggested "We have to celebrate Raychel being awake for 6 months."

"Sounds good." Joe agreed "You up for celebrating Raych?"

"Sure." I said as I shot them a small smile.

If I were quite honest, I didn't feel like celebrating me waking up at all. Even though I had physically gotten better, mentally I had not. The longer I was awake, the more I wanted to sleep.

In my dreams, he was there. The Joe that had loved me showed up every time I closed my eyes and every time I opened them again it hurt just a little bit more. In my dreams Joe was mine but in contrast to my comatic dream, I now knew that it was just that, it was only just a dream.

Knowing that it was a dream however, didn't matter for my feelings. I had started to depend on those dreams in a way. My heart broke a little more every time I saw him and Rebecca being all cute and lovey-dovey together and every time that happened, I had gone to take a nap. Whenever people questioned it, I used the excuse of how my body was still healing and I had gotten tired.

I knew it was unhealthy and yet I couldn't bring myself to stop. My dreams had become my happy place, my sanctuary but somewhere down the line I knew I had gotten lost in paradise and whenever I slept, I didn't want to wake up.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice it when we arrived at the arena where Smackdown would be taped tonight. Joe had to tap my shoulder for me to snap out of it "We're here Raych."

"Sorry." I chuckled "I just got lost in my thoughts, my thoughts can still get a bit jumbled up."

"I can imagine, maybe seeing the girls will provide some distraction?" I knew Joe meant well so I smiled, not wanting him to worry about me too much.

We went into the arena where we were greeted by pretty much every single person that we passed by on our way to catering.

When we arrived at catering, I noticed that a lot of the friends that I had made over the last few months were there, Trinity and Rebecca included. Joe and Jonathan immediately went over to greet their significant other so I went to greet some of our other friends.

"Hey guys." I smiled as I approached the group of Bryan, Chris, Kevin and Randall.

"Hey Marvel." Chris greeted me as I sat down with them. "How's life?"

Chris had nicknamed me Marvel when we had met, he said it fitted someone who was strong enough to get out of a coma after 2 years with virtually no damage at all. Called me a human marvel. Ever since, it had stuck and now a hand full of people called me that.

"Physically I'm getting better every day, mentally I'm still a mess." I admitted to them.

"Well yeah, the mind is a tricky thing so after a 2-year coma it really doesn't surprise me that you're mentally still not quite recovered." Randall nodded "It'll take some time Marvel, give yourself that time."

"You're right." I agreed. "It's just a little frustrating at times. During my coma, the dream I had felt so real. I sometimes have trouble deciding on what's real and what's not."

"Maybe you should talk to someone about it." Kevin suggested.

I was about to reply when Joe, Jonathan, Rebecca and Trinity joined us.

"Hey Raychel." Trinity smiled as she gave me a quick hug.

"Hey Trin, hey Becks." I smiled at the girls

"What were you all talking about Lass?" Rebecca asked as the four of them sat down with us.

"The guys were suggesting I should maybe talk to a professional about the mess that is my brain." I told them the short version "And I was just about to agree. I think talking to a professional is a good idea. I've been shouldering this all on my own, maybe I should start learning to ask for help once in a while."

"Yeah, you definitely should. You're one of the most stubborn people I know." Joe chuckled.

"Now I need to find a good psychiatrist." I sighed, not really knowing where to start.

"Actually." Bryan spoke up. "I might have an acquaintance that could help."


Sorry it took so long for me to update, been experiencing a bit of a writer's block. I hope this new part will make up for it, seeing as it finally revealed the identity of Joe's fiancé. Hopefully the next update won't take me so long to write xD

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