Chapter 32

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For some reason I was pretty nervous to enter Black and Brave. Maybe it was because I had just had a big match the night before or something else but I forced myself to take a breath and enter Colby's wrestling school.

I saw him right away when I entered. He was in the ring, his back facing me, as he was talking to what I assume were his students.

I waited a few minutes for him to finish his conversation before I spoke up "You know, its rude not to greet an old friend."

Colby turned around so fast that I was afraid he might have gotten a whiplash. "Raychel."

"The one and only... well maybe not only but you get it."

Colby got out of the ring and walked over to me. "I don't know if I should be happy to see you or hurt that it took so long for you to visit."

"How about a little of both? I'd rather have you be happy to see me but I don't blame you for being mad at me either. I know I should have visited sooner."

"You really should have... cause that drop kick you tried to land was way off." Colby chuckled suddenly.

"Ey, Britt is a tough one. She really wore me out by that time. And I recall me winning in the end." I scoffed in a playful manner.

"That is true." Colby smiled. "It was quite the surprise to suddenly see you wrestle when the last time I saw you, you had to use crutches to move around."

"Yeah, well I made a full recovery quite quickly and I started training right after."

"At what wrestling school did you train?" Colby asked.

"No school. Matt and Jeff trained me on the compound. Or well Matt coached me. Jeff was my training partner." I explained. "They taught me the basics for the first three months. After that I went from promotion to promotion on the indies. I did two matches in Canada, one in Mexico and after that I went to Europe."

"So, learning by going out and getting the experience? Seemed to have worked quite well."

"Thanks. So, what were you just teaching your students?" I asked him.

"I was telling them about the importance of doing your box jumps actually." Colby told me.

"Yeah, they do make it easier to do things like dropkicks and jumps." I agreed.

"Oh, so that's why you messed up that drop kick, you forgot to practice your box jumps." Colby teased.

"Oh, hush Colbs." I smiled as I gave his shoulder a push.

Suddenly I heard two familiar voices chatting with each other as the front door opened. I didn't even have to turn around to know who had just entered the building.

"Raychel." I heard him say as he noticed me.

I turned to face them "Hey Joe. Rebecca."

If I thought my feelings had faded, I was proven to be dead wrong the moment I saw his face. If anything, I now realized the truth behind the statement 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. If I thought I loved him before, my love had apparently grown tenfold during my time away.

For what seemed like forever no one uttered a word.

Rebecca was the first to break the silence as she looked at Joe "I'll let the two of you talk."

Before leaving us to talk however she walked over and without a word, slapped me hard.

As I held my now stinging cheek, she walked over to Colby and pulled him away with her.

I watched them walk away, shock still evident in my eyes.

I turned back to Joe after a second but neither of us seemed to know what to say. Which is why I asked him the most generic question ever. "So how have you been?"

"Could have been better." Joe admitted. "My leukemia came back, I'm in remission now but it wasn't the best time."

"I heard. I'm sorry that happened." I sighed.

"You knew? Why didn't you come see me?"

"Well, I didn't think your wife would appreciate it if I showed up after everything I said in that letter. Seeing as she just slapped me hard enough to probably leave her handprint, I'd say I was right." I said as I continued to rub my still sore cheek. "But I knew that if anyone would be able to kick cancers butt, it was you."

"Well, I'm glad you felt confident in my strength but I hate to break it to you but I never got married."

"What? Then why did she just slap me?" I asked.

"Maybe cause she's my friend and what you did hurt me."

"Fair enough." I sighed. "So, why didn't the two of you get married?"

"Well, it's a long story but Becks and Colby are an item now. Its why she's here. Becks and I, we are just friends now." Joe told me. "And since when are you into wrestling so much that you're doing it yourself?"

"Since waking up from that coma. When I left, I went to Cameron. I asked Matt and Jeff to train me once I recovered and they agreed. I worked with them for three months and went to travel from there on out."

"It's just weird. I always thought you hated wrestling." Joe pointed out. "I'm glad you didn't change much though."

"In what way?" I asked curiously.

"Well once I saw you on AEW last night I knew you must have spoken to Jon again. I knew you'd feel bad if you didn't speak to your other friends as well so I guessed that Colby was next on your list."

"I'm that predictable?" I frowned.

"To me? Yeah." Joe nodded. "I like to think I know you better than anyone."

"Okay well, then why did you never try to find me? If you didn't get married and if you know me so well, then why didn't you come after me? Save at least our friendship?"

"Well, Raychel, that's a bit of a story..."

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