Chapter 9

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It has been almost a year now since I became a wrestler in NXT. I was doing really well and I won most of my matches. Of course I lost some of them too but I still had fun with wrestling.

I had just finished a match against Bayley, we both had great momentum so neither of us really felt like a loser.

Stephanie approached me. "Hey, great job out there."

"Thanks." I said smiling. Over the past year I had started to feel a lot more confident around her, especially now I knew her better. Turns out that she was actually a super cool boss and an amazing actress as she played her boss bitch gimmick so well on screen while she was nothing like that in reality.

"So I talked to Paul and we think you're ready." I could see Stephanie was proud of the fact I made it so far in such a short period of time.

"You really think so?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah we think you are ready for the main roster but there is also a rivalry going on and I want the story line to evolve with you helping out." Stephanie explained.

"Okay what is the storyline?" I asked curiously.

"Joe and Jonathan have a rivalry going on with Colby and his new tag team partner Stuart. But Colby and Stuart got support from a diva, Trinity." She explained.

I smiled at that, the old shield brothers had such great chemistry with each other. They worked well together both as rivals and as friends. Their chemistry together was so strong that there were even fangirls that would ship them together. Now obviously I knew that the guys were really just friends and I definitely hated the idea of anyone dating Roman, male nor female. However, the Ambrollins ship, that was a ship I could get behind.

Stuart is better known under names such as Wade Barrett, King Barrett and Bad News Barrett.
He really is a force to reckon with so I was sure that his addition to the mix was a very interesting one.

Then there was Trinity, the current women's champion Naomi. She had beaten Charlotte a few months ago. Not only was Trinity a fierce athlete but she was also married to one of Joe and Matt's cousins, Jonathan Fatu who was better known as Jimmy Uso.

"So you want me to step in on the side of Joe and Jonathan to strengthen their team." I guessed.

"Yeah Steph and I think you will make a great team with the guys." Paul said standing by the door. "Especially since you and Roman are childhood friends."

Of course Steph never told him about the crush I had on said childhood friend. My feelings for him hadn't at all faded over the year, even though we rarely got to see each other over the past year due to us being on different brands.

"So, do you want to do it?" Stephanie asked.

"Well if you two have faith in me, I'll do it." I replied with a smile.

"Great you'll begin next Monday" Paul smiled back at me.

"Okay I'll guess we will see you there." Stephanie added.


The second they left I called Evelyne.

"Hello?" She picked up almost right away

"Hey Evy, It's Raychel." I'm pretty sure she could hear the smile in my voice

"Oh hey Raych how are you?" I was pretty sure she was smiling as well

"I'm doing so good girl. Had a great match and just finished talking with Steph"

"Same here, Matt is picking me up for dinner in a bit. Oh and I saw your match today, you were amazing."

"Thanks, I was actually calling with some news." I told her excitedly

"What are you waiting for, just tell me already!" She encouraged me

"You won't have to watch NXT anymore."

"Why, did you get injured or something?" She teased

"No, I'm moving up to the main roster! I start Monday."

"Oh my gosh, girl I'm so proud of you!" Evelyne exclaimed. "That's amazing Raych."

"And guess what, I'm going to work alongside Joe and Jon." I continued. "I can't wait to see them again"

"Really? Well I'd imagine that was quite the nice surprise for you. I have to go soon though, Matt could get here any minute"

"Speaking of Matt by the way, you better tell him yes."

"Raych, what the hell are you talking about?" Evelyne asked confused

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough." I chuckled

"That's just cruel Raych."

"I know."

What I knew was that Matt was going to ask Evelyne to move in with him. He had asked me if I had a problem with completely covering the bills from now on instead of splitting everything 50/50 with Evelyne so that's why I knew about it.

"Just tell m.. Oh Matt is here so I have to go. Guess you're off the hook this time."

"That guy has the best timing. Tell him I said hi and have fun!" I told her with a laugh.

"Thank you we will, bye." Evelyne chuckled as well and ended the call


I was in the locker room gathering my things when I heard a very familiar voice speak up behind me. "Hey there stranger."

When I turned around Joe was standing at the door. He was leaning against its frame while he looked at me. My heart beat a little faster, just like every time I saw him. But it wasn't like a pounding this time around, it was more like a little flutter, comforting and calm. I didn't really know why though. Maybe wrestling had made me more confident and that in turn, making me less nervous around him.

"Hey there big dog, what are you doing here in my territory?" I teased him

"Not for long anymore it isn't, I heard you're moving up to the big leagues." He said.

"That's true and I heard we will be working together." I replied.

"That's true." Joe said as seriously as possible but he didn't manage to hold it together for long as he began to smile not even a second later "Congratulations Raychel, I'm proud of you."

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