Chapter 4

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"Guys, guys you'll never believe what happened!" I shouted while I rushed over them.

Matt and Joe were in catering talking to some girls. Why were they talking to girls? And why did those girls have to be pretty. Matt already had Evelyne, right? Wait, why was I doubting him? He's Matt, he's as loyal as they come. But why was Joe talking to them?

"Hey Raych, come meet Mercedes and Rebecca known around here as Sasha and Becky. Girls this it Raychel." Joe introduced us all before turning to me "So how did it go?"

"It went really well. Stephanie was nothing but nice. She asked me to wrestle on NXT against Dana Brooke tonight."

"Wait what, you've only been training with us for like a month. How did you get Stephanie to give you a live match?"

"She said it's to prove myself, she didn't have time for me to have a practice match before the show so I have a real match on it." I had gotten pretty excited about it.

"That's amazing Raych." Joe ruffled my hair.

"But guys I still need a little bit of training before my match.

"We could help you with that." Rebecca smiled at me while Mercedes nodded. "You must be very talented if Steph agrees with giving you a match while you've had such little training, lass."

"Yeah I guess she sees some potential in me." I said.

"Just like we did." Matt smiled proudly. "We told you that you'd be fine."

"Thanks Matt. I'll meet you guys after I'm done training okay?"

"Come on Raychel, let's make sure you're ready to slay in that ring." Mercedes smiled as she pulled me along with her and Rebecca


"Now I get why Steph sees potential in you lass. You can kick some arse." Rebecca breathed heavily after an hour of intensive training.

"Thanks, you two are really good training partners." I meant that.

"We should hope so, we are scheduled to debut on raw in a few weeks." Mercedes smiled.

"Really, that's amazing" I definitely agreed that they were good enough for that

"Yeah that's why we were talking to Joe, Mercedes is going to team up with his cousin Tamina."

"I wondered why you all were talking." I nodded, now understanding what it had been about.

"Oh shit, I have to go get ready but good luck Raychel. I'll be watching." Mercedes said as she climbed out of the ring "You are going to kill it."

"So, what's up with you and the guys?" Rebecca asked as soon as Mercedes had left.

"Well Matt, Joe and I are basically best friends. I've known them since 5th grade. Matt stood up to a bully for me, that's how we met. Joe didn't like me much at first though. He didn't want to play with girls and do girly things." I chuckled fondly at the memory "Obviously that changed very quickly. My other best friend Evelyn is actually dating Matt now, I'm so excited about that. They are so cute together."

"What about Joe, is he dating anyone?"

"Not that I know of." I shook my head. "But Joe has many girls to choose from if he wanted to. You have no idea how many girls come check with me if he has a girlfriend in the hope that they will be able to date him themselves."

"Lass, I have checked the internet you know. Do you have any idea how many fanfictions that guy has?"

"Yeah I know, it's crazy right?"

"So what about you, are you one of the girls he could choose if he wanted or do you not see him like that?" Rebecca asked with a knowing look

"Is it that obvious?"

"Is what obvious?" Matt asked as came walking in.

"Nothing important lad, what's up?" Rebecca replied, making me thankful for staying quiet about it.

"I hate to break it to you girls but Raychel you need to get dressed, your match is starting in half an hour." Matt said making me realize what time it was.

"Okay where can I change and what will I wear?" I asked, starting to stress out a bit when I realized that I had nothing to wear.

"Don't worry lass, I think our costume department already took care of that for you. Steph wouldn't let you get out there in just anything." Rebecca tried to calm me.

"Okay lead the way." I said a little more calmed down.

Rebecca lead me through multiple hallways to a room that had the sign "Sandra - Costume Department' on it. Rebecca knocked and opened the door for us.

"Hey Rebecca." A middle aged, dark skinned woman with short black hair welcomed us. I guessed this was Sandra.

"Hey Sandra, did Steph come by earlier about a last minute costume for a potential new wrestler?"

"She sure did, she must have meant you." Sandra was now smiling at me "Hi dear it's nice to meet you. Like Rebecca said, my name is Sandra."

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Raychel." I shook her hand politely.

"I think I have just the thing for you, hold on." Sandra said as she looked through the costumes she had made, handing me one after a minute. "Try this on."

I nodded and changed quickly behind the changing curtain. The costume was amazing, it was all black except for the little golden stars and studs on the top, a top which also had lace detail. The shorts were short but didn't make me feel like I was wearing just underwear. I loved the ripped fishnet leggings as it added to the overall look and the black combat boots were badass. Yet the best about my gear was that I looked amazing in it.

"That looks amazing darlin'. Come back after your match so that I can make sure everything fits perfectly but for now it is fine."

"Alright, thanks Sandra. It really was a pleasure to meet you." I called back to her as Rebecca was already dragging me to the gorilla position.

"You really do look great in that lass."

"Thanks I feel good in it as well. Now let's hurry, I believe my match is next up." I said smiling.

"Yeah no problem lass, I can come with you to ringside as well if you want?" She suggested.

"You sure that's okay? Cause I wouldn't mind the moral support ." I said to her thankful that she suggested that.

"Alright then. Now let's go kick arse." Rebecca smiled and in that moment I knew that I had made a new friend.

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