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Arms wrapped around my waist and snapped my thoughts back into the present.

Back to the beach house on Samoa that Joe and I had bought after we had gotten married.

He proposed to me in early October, only a little over four months after we reconnected and got together as a couple. We got married six months after that on April 7th, which would have been Matt's birthday had he still been with us.

Now 2 years later, we were still happily married and basically attached to each other's hips unless we had to be apart because of work.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Joe asked as he pulled me back against him.

"Just thinking about you." I replied with a smile.

"Dreaming about me again?" He teased me. He loved to tease me about that.

"About us both actually. About our crazy whirlwind of a story."

"It sure was quite a ride. What made you think about it?" Joe asked before kissing my temple.

"I came out here to enjoy the view and then I just started to think how lucky I got. Everything changed so fast over the past 8 years." I explained. "It was all so different back then."

"It was. But all those adventures made us who we are today." He told me and I could hear his smile in his voice as he let his hands slide down onto my stomach "I can't wait to see what our next adventure will bring."

"Patience cheekbone. Only two more months to go." I told him with a chuckle as I placed my hands over his.

"Don't forget that twins often get born prematurely." Joe reminded me.

"Which is why we came here early." I reassured him that I was aware of that.

I was currently 7 months pregnant with our first children, a set of twins.

We wanted for our children to be born on Samoa which was why we had flown down here while I was still allowed to travel and wouldn't leave until the twins were old enough to travel back.

We knew that Joe had to go back a little sooner because of work but there would be enough family here to help me.

After the birthday where we got together, I had accepted Paul's offer of joining the NXT roster. I had loved my time there and even held the championship for a bit but I dropped it as soon as I found out that I was pregnant, saying that I was out with an injury. I wouldn't be returning to NXT though. The plan was for me to make my debut on the main roster alongside my husband as soon as I would come back from maternity leave.

I was excited for it but I was even more excited to meet the two new additions to our family.

We didn't know what they were going to be, we wanted to keep that a surprise. There was however a bet going on between our friends over the genders. Some guessed two girls, some two boys and others went with both a girl and a boy.

No matter what, all that mattered to me and Joe was that they would be healthy and happy.

"I can't wait to meet them." Joe whispered in my ear.

"Me neither. Our little treasures."

Just as I said that, we felt one of the twins start to kick. The kick made me winch a little since it was pretty hard.

"Definitely wrestling material." I joked as Joe turned me to face him and went down on his knees so he could be eye level with my stomach.

Joe rubbed my stomach as he started to speak to his children. "I know you both must be excited to meet us. Specially to meet your mommy, I'm sure. She's amazing. But keep it down with those kicks in there, okay? They hurt your amazing mommy, even if she says she doesn't mind them. Mommy and daddy love you both so much."

I looked down at him with adoration. He was so cute, talking to our babies. He actually did that quite often, telling his kids all kinds of things. "You're amazing."

Joe looked up at me smiling "Only for the three of you. I love you."

"We love you too." I replied on behalf of both myself and our kids before bending down to kiss him softly.

"You are my dream come true." 


I am so sad to see this story end. It was an absolute pleasure to write this. I hoped everyone enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Now before you delete this out of your library, I wanted to inform you that there might be a few bonus chapters. I'm not sure if I should publish them in here or in my one-shot book so let me know what you think.

I was also thinking about doing a spin off with Evelyne as the main character since I would love to see a happy end for her as well. Who would you match/ship her with?

Thanks for reading, I appreciate all of you. 

Love, Esmée❤️

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