Chapter 7

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Once Rebecca and I had finally reached our first stop, which apparently was a locker room, she knocked on the door. A woman with pale skin and raven black hair opened the door.

"Rebecca." She smiled while stepping aside "Come in."

Inside the room there was another woman as well, she was tall with blonde hair.

"So lass I want you to meet my soon to be teammates Saraya and Ashley, better known as Paige and Charlotte." Rebecca said, pointing the women out while saying their names

"Hey nice to meet you." Ashley, the blonde, said smiling. "You must be the newest NXT signee."

"I am, it's nice to meet you. I'm Raychel" I shook her hand before also shaking Saraya's hand.

"I saw your match, that was very decent for your first time on tv. How long have you been wrestling?" Saraya asked me curiously.

"Well.. I started training with Joe and Matt a little over a month ago so I'd say it's been about a month or so."

"Wait what, you've been wrestling for just a month?" She replied confused.

"Yeah I do have an athletic background though. I played field hockey, gymnastics and a bit of soccer, was on a cheerleading squad for a few months, did some martial arts as a kid and I can surf a bit as well. Nothing professional and no more than two things at the same time though. It was all for fun and even though I'm active, I'm still pretty lazy as well."

"I wouldn't call that lazy. Anyway you mentioned Joe and Matt, I suspect you mean the Anoa'i brothers?" Ashley asked

"Yeah, they are my best friends. I've known them since 5th grade."


After talking with the girls for a while I really started to like them. They were very fun people to be around. Ashley was very direct and honest where Saraya was dorky and fun. All of them had at least one interest in common with me. Ashley and I had our love for shopping in common where Saraya and I had our love for rock music and gaming in common and Rebecca and I surprisingly enough had our love for Philosophy in common, something I hadn't known up until now. I was having so much fun talking to them that I felt like it was all too soon when we got interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hey Ash, we heard that new NXT rookie was in here." I heard a female voice say once Ashley had opened the door slightly

"We all want to meet her" another voice said but this time it was a male voice.

"Yeah she's here but let's meet in a bigger room." Ashley suggested

"Okay, what about catering?" Someone suggested.

"We will meet you guys there." Ashley agreed.

She closed the door before turning to me. "Looks like there are a lot of people that want to meet you."

"Well it's not every day that someone gets a contract with as little experience as she has, what did you expect?" Rebecca pointed out and I couldn't say she was wrong either.

"Fair point and with that said, we better not keep them waiting." Saraya chimed in, which resulted in us all getting up before I followed the girls to catering.


It seemed like there were quite a lot of people who had come to meet me. Luckily for me, Matt, Joe, Joshua, Jonathan, Colby and Jon were at catering as well so that made me feel a little bit more at ease.

The other people at catering were Paul Levesque aka triple H, Ron Killings a.k.a R-Truth, Nicole Garcia and Brianna Garcia aka Nikki and Brie Bella and John Cena.

"Raychel I wanted to meet you personally after your match last night." Paul smiled as he came over to shake my hand. "I couldn't believe it when Steph told me how little experience you have."

I had come to notice that backstage everyone was much different than their character on the show.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Raychel." I said with a relieved smile, thankful that everyone had been kind to me so far.

"Hey I'm Nicole and my look-alike over there is Brianna." Nikki joked while pointing at her sister as she welcomed me

"I'm John, welcome to the WWE family Raychel. I hope that you'll have a great time while wrestling here" John added.

"Thanks, but I'm sure that I will have no problem having a good time here. Everyone has been so friendly so far."

"Most of us are friendly, not everyone is but that's normal. You'll be just fine. I'm Ron by the way but you can just call me Truth, everyone does."

"Alright Truth, thanks for the warm welcome."

After I had talked with everyone for a little bit, it was time for the tag team match. I watched from the monitor in catering as first Joshua and Jonathan and then Joe and Jon made their way down to the ring. The match was great but like I expected, Joe and Jon won the match.

I asked Matt come to gorilla position with me so that the both of us could congratulate Joe and Jon on their win.

"You guys were all really great out there." I told both them and the uso's.

"Thanks Raych." Joe smiled as Matt handed all four of them bottles of water.

"Too bad we didn't win uce." Joshua chuckled before his brother and he left to the men's locker room. He and his brother weren't sore losers in the slightest, which made them all the more likable as people.

"Hey want to go celebrate after we've taken a shower?" Jon asked Joe, Matt and me.

"Sure, I'm down for drinks." I accepted before turning to Matt and Joe "Are you guys coming as well?".

"Can Colbs come too?" Joe asked.

"Yeah of course he can come." Jon said like it was obvious

"Are you guys going for a few drinks? If so mind if I come with you guys?" I heard Rebecca say from behind me, I hadn't noticed her come up to us

"Course, the more the merrier." I smiled at her. I knew the guys wouldn't mind and even if they did then that was their problem, Rebecca was a friend so she could come as far as I was concerned

"Okay guys, you go hit the showers and we will wait for you in the parking lot." Matt told Joe and Jon, to which we all agreed.

Matt, Rebecca, and I went to go get Colby before heading to the parking lot like promised. Not too long after we got there, Joe and Jon showed up as well and so we went to the nearest pub.

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