Chapter 26

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"So let me get this straight. You've had feelings for Joe basically since you met him. You became a wrestler and finally got together with him only to find out it had all been some big elaborate dream and that he is actually marrying a girl that had become a close friend to you during said dream?" Matt summed it up for the millionth time.

Jeff, him and I were sitting on Matt's front porch where I had told them the entire story. I was sitting in between them with Matt on my left and Jeff on my right.

"Yes, I think we've established what happened." I confirmed once again. "You must think I'm being stupid, don't you?"

To my surprise, Matt shook his head "Not really. I'd go crazy if Reby were to marry another man."

"Yeah Raychel, Love is a strange thing. Just because it makes no sense at times doesn't mean that what you're feeling isn't right." Jeff chimed in.

"It does make me feel like a bad friend though." I admitted to them. "Like I'm so selfish and should just be happy for him."

"Want to know a little secret?" Matt asked me. "Sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish. You got to take care of yourself first and foremost."

"Matt's right. If you always try to please everyone, make yourself go through consistent pain, bottle up all your emotions and never take a break to let yourself heal then bad things will happen. That's the fastest way to throw yourself into a downwards spiral." Jeff agreed with his brother.

"Trust us, we've been there."

"I wouldn't even be here if I didn't trust you guys. I never really told people about this before, at least not in detail. But I'm trying this thing where I confide in people in order to not feel so alone and Shelby recommended thinking of someone who was understanding, trustworthy and honest."

"And we were the ones that came to mind? We're honored." Jeff teased in a friendly way.

"Yeah well, don't feel too flattered, if your ego grows even bigger your head might explode." I replied with a chuckle.

"She got you their bro." Matt chuckled along before getting serious again and looking at me. "So, what now Raych? What's your plan?"

"Well, I was hoping that I could finish rehabilitating and after that I was hoping I could ask you guys for a favor."

Matt gave me a nod in encouragement "Go ahead, shoot."

"I was wondering if you guys would train me. To become a wrestler."

"What? You want to wrestle?" Jeff asked me. "Are you sure? It's not just because of that dream?"

"Well, yes and no. At first, I was jealous of all these women I always saw so I just pretended to hate it all together and I even really believed that for a while but that dream made me rethink it all. I really want to do this, for myself. I want to prove to myself that I can be special and maybe be an inspiration to a young girl that doesn't believe in herself either. And I love sports, I've always done something athletic through the years. Please guys, just give me a chance."

"I'm not sure..." Jeff started. "I'm not much of a teacher or coach. I actually planned on only coaching my daughters if they'd want to do this. Matt is more of a teaching type."

I turned to Matt with my biggest puppy eyes in the hope he'd agree.

"How about a test run first?" Matt suggested. "After you finish rehabilitating, I will train you for 3 months. If you manage to complete training all that time without complaints, I will consider it for real. Of course, you do have to show some promise and talent as well and you have to promise that you'll tell me straight away if you end up not liking it after all."

"Deal." I agreed immediately before throwing my arms around his shoulders for a hug "Thank you!"

Matt chuckled and hugged me back before we heard a voice from behind us "What are you hugging my man for?"

I could hear Reby's smile in the way she talked, something that got confirmed when I turned my head to face her and I answered back with a similar smile "Oh nothing, he just agreed to train me once I finish rehabilitation."

"I agreed to give you a trial run." Matt corrected.

"Well, I think that's a great idea." Reby smiled. "Now come inside, dinner is almost ready."

We all got up and got inside, me a bit slower thanks to having to use my crutches.

Maxel wobbled over to me as soon as I got inside "Ray help?"

At just a little over 2 years old he had been trying to help me ever since I had gotten here and it honestly was adorable. Even though helping me was nothing more than him holding on to my crutch as he wobbled along beside me, it did seem to make him happy.

I nodded and smiled at the boy "Of course."

He placed his small hand on my crutch and we started going to the dining room at his pace.

"He seems to like you." Reby noted as she helped Maxel in his chair.

"Yeah, I'm glad. He's a good kid." I nodded. "So adorable that he wants to help me."

"So, where will you be staying?" Reby asked.

"I booked a hotel room and I'm trying to find a rental in the neighborhood that I can stay in for a while. It will probably cost me my entire savings but it's worth it." I shrugged.

"That won't do." Reby decided. "You can stay here with us for as long as Matt is training you. Save those life savings. Besides, I'd like the female company for once."

"Are you sure?" I asked warily. "I mean I appreciate it but I'd feel bad staying here when I can do nothing in return."

"If you want to do something in return, you're welcome to help me around the house. Really though, it's no problem. Matt won't mind and I'm sure Max would like it as well."

"What won't I mind?" Matt asked as he and Jeff walked in and took a seat,

"I told Raychel she could stay here. The house sure is big enough and I'd love the company while you're on the road."

"I don't mind that no." Matt agreed with his wife.

I smiled as I looked around the table. Thankful that these people were such amazing friends and that I was lucky enough to have met them. 

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