chapter 11

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Just to avoid any confusion I will refer to Jonathan Good/Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley as Jon from now on and I will refer to Jonathan Fatu/Jimmy Uso as Jonathan.

That being said, enjoy chapter 11!


 It was time for my second week on raw and we were currently going over the plan for tonight in Stephanie's office.

"Okay so you and the guys go out there to address the WWE universe. Speak of Raychel's victory and how you will beat your opponent's tonight as well. Your rivals will come out and try to insult you. Then Raychel, after that I want you to challenge Trinity for her title. Dare her to put it on the line." Stephanie explained us the whole plan.

"Okay I get it, but you really want me to challenge her for the title? It's only my second week on the main roster." I worried aloud. "Wouldn't the fans dislike me for it?"

"It's true that it might be a bit soon but don't forget that Saraya won a title on her first day." Jon reminded me. "No one seemed to mind that."

"Okay I get it. I worry too much." I gave in. "I just want to do my best in this feud."

"We know little one." Joe winked "And you will, we believe in you."

"Thanks a lot cheekbone." I elbowed him playfully.

"Any other questions about this plan?" Stephanie asked us.

We all shook our heads and Jon answered, "No not that I can think of."

"Good." Stephanie smiled "You are all dismissed then. Oh, and Raychel, just have fun with it."

"I will, thanks Steph." I smiled back at her before leaving her office along with the guys.

"I'll see you both at the gorilla right before the promo?" I asked them.

"Sure, we will meet you there." Joe agreed before we all went our own way to get ready.

I went to the female locker room and Joe and Jon went to their own. The locker wasn't crowded but not empty either. Rebecca and Trinity were both there along with some others I didn't have the chance to speak with yet.

"Excited?" Rebecca asked once I started to change.

"For this feud?" I looked at her "Yeah I am. It's a big one and now it's for the title so even though there is a bit more pressure I'm still excited to work with everyone."

"Excited to work with you too boo!" Trinity called out from the other side of the locker room.

We had gotten to know each other a little better over the last few days. I had come to find that Trinity was a really sweet woman and was obviously head over heels in love with cousin Jonathan. We had even started to work out together just to find out how we could best make each other shine.

Once I had changed, I went to catering to get some food. Nothing too heavy though and I ended up going for a red apple.

I saw that my two other 'rivals' were here as well, so I decided to join them.

"Hey guys, mind if I join you two?"

"Course not Raych." Colby smiled and I took a seat next to him "How are you liking your time on the main roster so far."

"I like it just fine." I chuckled "Everyone keeps asking me about it. But really, I'm just excited to finally work together with my best friend, and you guys too of course. I feel like I'm going to learn a lot from every person I feud with."

"That's true, we all get a little better every time because we all learn bits and pieces from each other. Trin will probably learn from you as well." Stuart nodded "It's why you should always want to keep feuding and teaming with people."

"I guess you have a point. Speaking of feuding and teaming, ready to take on my guys?"

"Oh, so they are your guys now." Colby teased. "Didn't know you saw them that way."

"Not like that dude, take your mind out of the gutter." I laughed, knowing he was just joking.


A bit later it was time for our promo, I was getting myself pumped for it when Joe and Jon joined me. My entrance music hit and we started to walk towards the ring. The crowd was chanting and cheering, the energy overall was great. When we got there, we all got handed a microphone.

We waited till the crowd calmed down before Jon started us off "Last week our sister in arms Raychel pinned the women' champion."

"She sure did." Joe added with a smirk "Pinned her clean right in the middle of this ring."

"Guys thanks but really it isn't much to brag about, I mean a lot of the women have done it before me." I smiled at them "But tonight it's your turn against Rollins and Barrett."

"Yeah, but we can beat them, I mean it's not like we haven't before." Jon joked "Bet I could beat them with one hand tied behind my back."

"That's enough." Colby shouted in a microphone. He was standing on the stage at the other side of the ramp. Stuart and Trinity were both standing next to him. "We are not going to be underestimated by the likes of you Ambrose."

"Yeah, don't think you can beat us just like that." Stuart said.

"And you, you were just lucky last week." Trinity added as she looked directly at me. "That was just a fluke victory and you know it."

"Oh, you think you can beat me when it matters champ?" I asked.

"O hell yeah whenever and wherever." Trinity said confidently.

"Okay prove it" I dared her as I looked back at her with the same confidence. "I challenge you. It will be you against me whenever you choose."

"Okay I accept." She replied.

"But there is one little thing, it has to be for the women's title." I dared her.

"Why do you think you've earned your shot, why do you think you've even earned the right to be called a Raw superstar at all?" Trinity tried to insult me. "You had one match."

"One match in which I pinned the women's champion." I taunted her "Unless you're scared, I can do it again."

"Oh hell no, I ain't scared of nobody. You're on!"

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