Chapter 27

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"It took a bit but you finally did it Raychel." Dr. Wayne smiled at me "You're back at a 100%."

"I can't believe it took 9 months to get here. They felt like ages." I admitted with a chuckle

"9 months is actually not too bad, actually it's probably best-case scenario." Dr. Wayne pointed out. "You truly are one hell of a fighter."

"Well thank you. I couldn't have done it so fast without great guidance though."

"So, what do you plan on doing now?" Dr. Wayne asked me.

"Well, I asked a friend of mine to give me wrestling training so I hope all goes well in that."

"Just be sure not to overdo it right away." Dr. Wayne told me sternly.

"You got it." I promised.


"Well?" Reby asked as soon as I entered the house a few hours later.

I had taken the 3-hour flight back to Pensacola just so I could see dr. Wayne and had flown straight back here afterwards. I knew I could have looked for a doctor closer to Cameron but dr. Wayne had always been good to me and I trusted him so I had decided to just travel between the towns for my checkups. Today had been the last one.

"I'm good to go." I told her excitedly "Dr. Wayne cleared me."

"Thats fantastic Raych!" Reby walked over to hug me "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks Reb, I can't wait to start training." I smiled.

"Yeah, you've been going on and on about it." She chuckled. "Just know that Matt isn't going to take it easy on you."

"She's right." Matt said as he joined us. "The wrestling business isn't easy. It's demanding and hard. If I take it easy on you then you'll never get ready to take it on for real. So tomorrow, we will start training at 6 AM sharp. Make sure to be well rested and have a decent breakfast before that time."

"You got it coach." I agreed to his terms "I wouldn't want you to go easy on me anyway."

"Well then, enough wrestling talk for now." Reby decided. "Raych could you do me a favor?"

"Sure, anything." I said and wondered what she'd need.

"Could you go take Maxel to the park for a while. He has been keeping Wolfie up and he needs the nap."

"Course I could. I'd be happy to." I nodded. I never minded spending time with the kids. I had grown very fond of them in the months that I had been here.

I went to the living room where I knew Maxel would be and squatted down next to him "Hey Max, want to go play in the park?"

Maxel looked up at me with a smile and nodded "Rayel park!"

Maxel had started to refer to me as Rayel since he had trouble pronouncing my name. He was 2 and a half so it really wasn't too surprising. Over the past few months, I had come to understand his way of talking, which I was glad for. Right now, he was telling me to take him to the park and I happily obliged.


After Maxel and I had spent a couple of hours at the park we returned home for dinner. During dinner we talked about whatever little thing we could think of. I helped Reby clean up afterwards and headed to bed soon after that as I had wanted to make it an early night.

The next morning, I quickly showered and had a good breakfast before meeting Matt at the wrestling ring that he had built on his property at 6 AM sharp.

To my surprise, Jeff was there as well.

"I thought you said you weren't the trainer type." I pointed out to him.

"I'm not." He agreed. "I won't be coaching you. I'll be your training partner."

"Sounds good." I smiled before turning to matt. "So, where do we start?"

"You start by running a lap around the lake as a warm up. See how your body handles that first."

I nodded and started running to the lake. It was quite a big lake and running a lap around it would take probably around 20 to 30 minutes but I didn't mind. I was sure I could handle it.

I actually quite enjoyed the run. Exercise had always been relaxing to me. Not being able to have exercised in so long had been frustrating but it made this moment even better. For the first time in a while my mind was completely calm. The realization of that made me smile even more.

By the time I got back to Jeff and Matt I was warmed up and had a big smile plastered on my face.

Matt let me do a few more warm-up exercises before we finally got to work in the ring.

"We'll start with the basics." Matt told me. "First off you need to learn how to run the ropes. Jeff will show you."

Jeff ran back and forth between the ropes, showing off how to turn and bounce against them.

"Okay, I think I get it." I nodded and did as was showed to me. The ropes were a lot rougher and firmer than I thought. I had expected them to be a little bit bouncy as Jeff had made it seem so effortless but that wasn't the case at all.

Matt let me run the ropes for a while until I got the hang of it, which took longer than I had expected.

"Good, running the ropes is an important aspect in wrestling. During a match you will be using the ropes and bouncing off of them a lot. You need to get used to the feeling of it which is exactly the point of this exercise. It's also great for building stamina." Matt explained as he stopped me. "Now we will continue with doing some rolls. Rolls are great to use in matches. You can use them to break your fall, roll through into the next move and even to counter."

Just like with running the ropes, Matt made me do rolls until he felt like I was getting better at them.

I had a feeling that this would be the case for everything he was about to teach me. I was glad for it though. Not because I wanted to take it slow with my training but because I wanted to make sure that I could do everything the best that I could. After all, one mistake could mean the end of someone's career in this business. 

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