Chapter 6

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For the first few moments after I woke up the next morning, I didn't know where I was. It was very confusing until I realized that I was in a hotel room, my hotel room. At that moment I also remembered what happened yesterday.

I had actually won my debut wrestling match. I didn't know if that was because I was naturally very good or because Dana was not as good as people figured. I actually didn't want it to be for that second reason as Dana had actually seemed pretty nice.

I looked at the time on my phone and decided to get up since it was 9 AM. Before I could go celebrate my victory with the boys over breakfast though, I really needed a shower first. But me of course being me was so excited that I had showered and had gotten ready for breakfast within 15 minutes after getting out of bed.

When I entered the kitchen I saw Matt and Joe sitting at the table with two guys who I recognized as Jonathan Good and Colby Lopez, better known as the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose and the architect Seth Rollins. Even though Colby was playing Joe and Jonathan's on screen enemy, they were still really close friends in real life. Joe had told me about them many times as well

"Morning guys." I said as I approached them, already looking for food as I did.

"Hey Raych." Matt replied with a smile. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did." I nodded as I took a seat between Joe and Matt.

"You don't feel too worn out from yesterday?." Joe asked as he handed me the plate with a pile of bacon. Joe knew that I loved bacon and it was pretty normal that Matt and him would make plenty of bacon.

"So you are the new NXT rookie that beat Dana without proper training. I'm Jonathan good, but please call me Jon" Jonathan said before pointing to Colby "This weirdo is Colby Lopez."

"Yes, I'm Raychel." I nodded while eating my bacon, I swear I had no manners whatsoever before I had decent breakfast. However I could always joke around "And I know who you are, I've read the fanfictions."

"Ouch, I hope they didn't damage your innocent soul too much." Jon asked, pretending to be seriously worried.

"I've been hanging out with these two idiots for years, that's all it took to scar me forever." I motioned jokingly towards Matt and Joe.

Colby chuckled as Jonathan flat out laughed

"So not that I mind to finally meet you but why are you here in the morning?"

"We were just catching up and Jon and I were about to talk about our tag team match against the Usos. Want to come and watch?" Joe asked.

"I don't get why you'd need to talk about that over breakfast but sure I'll come watch, although I also hate to see Jonathan and Joshua lose." I said.

Joshua and Jonathan Fatu are Joe and Matt's cousins. They are commonly known as Jimmy and Jay or the Usos. They are twins and I had met them a few times before so we weren't strangers to each other

"You sure have a lot of confidence in us little one." Joe said laughing, trying to tease me with that nickname again.

"Of course, so you better not disappoint me, cheekbone." I shot back at him with a smile.

"Wait, cheekbone, really?" Jonathan laughed once more, guess he liked laughing a lot. "Why?"

"She calls him that every time Joe calls her little" Matt explained trying his best to keep as serious as possible. "They didn't really like each other much at first so they annoyed each other constantly, the not liking only lasted for about a month though"

"Lol yeah I think Raychel will fit in just fine. I hope you'll move up to the main roster soon enough cause I think most people on there will like you." Jon said still laughing.

"Yeah let's hope" I nodded while I finished my breakfast.


That evening we went back to the arena where we were yesterday. This time around though, it was Joe's turn to fight.

Not long after we had arrived and entered the backstage area, I saw Rebecca walking over to the guys and me. I figured she was here to meet her future colleagues. "Good to see you lass, I hope you're feeling alright. Are you up for meeting some friends?"

"Of course I'm up for that and yeah I feel alright." I nodded before turning to the guys "Do you mind? I promise I'll be watching your match."

"Nah, go have fun Raych." Joe smiled genuinely.

I smiled back before leaving with Rebecca.


While we were walking we walked past Jonathan Fatu.

"Wait, Raychel is that really you." He said stopping us.

"Oh my gosh Jonathan how are you?" I said while hugging him.

"Everything is fine, congrats on your match on NXT last night by the way." He said with a big smile.

"Thank you, you saw me fight?" I asked.

"Of course we saw" Joshua said walking towards me "long time not seen Raych."

"Hey Josh, great to see you again as well."

"So tell us Raych, since when are you into wrestling?"

"Since I actually gave it a shot. Now I know how much fun this is."

"We've been trying to tell you that for ages. Welcome to the WWE fam though." Jonathan chuckled.

"Thanks guys, it was really good to see you two again but I should continue my way. Rebecca wanted me to meet some people."

"That's okay we will catch up later." Joshua said.

After saying our goodbyes Rebecca and I started walking again.

"So do you know all the samoan family members?" Becky asked.

"Not all but I do know most of them, they are the best. My mom knows most of them as well actually."

"So, does she know about that crush you have?" Rebecca went right back to our conversation from the previous day.

"I'm sure she does but no I haven't told her yet. The only people who actually heard it from me or got it confirmed by me are my friend Evelyne, Stephanie and you."

"Maybe you should confide in someone like Matt?" Rebecca suggested. "He's close to the both of you, maybe he knows whether Joe likes you or not."

"Or he could just flat out tell Joe and I could lose both my friends." I sighed before changing the subject "Speaking of friends, lets meet those friends of you. I'm dying to meet them."

"Fine, we're almost at our first stop anyway."


So is Rebecca right? Should Raychel confide in Matt? And who do you think Raychel will meet at their first stop? Let me know what you think in the comments. x

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