chapter 15

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I had decided to go to Evelyne and Matt after I left the building on Monday, I had asked them not to tell Joe that I was here and they had even flat out lied to him that they hadn't heard from me. Rebecca was still with us as well.

We watched Raw two days ago. Joe had a match against mike Mizanin aka the Miz. Joe should have beaten him easily but against all expectations Joe lost. I felt bad as I had never wanted for him to get unfocused as well.

I was sitting on the back porch by myself when Matt sat down beside me, draping a blanket over my shoulders.

"I still don't get it though, are you really that much in love with him that you became a wrestler just because he asked?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, I know it sounds crazy." I nodded.

"No, it sounds like a plan from Evelyne." He said with a sad smile.

"That's because it was my plan." Evelyne chuckled as she joined us

"Yeah, that explains a lot." Matt chuckled as well. "Why didn't you ever tell me about this though?"

"I guess I was scared of how you would react. That it would ruin my friendship with both of you." I admitted. "Worried that if he didn't feel the same, you would give up our friendship to take his side."

"You are my best friend Raych, I'm never giving up on you or our friendship." He assured me "I know you can get through this."

"Well, thanks for the vote of confidence Matty." I gave him a small smile. "I should have told you sooner."

"You should have." He agreed "You should also go get some rest. Don't stress yourself out Raych."

"Wise as always." I chuckled as I got up. "Goodnight Matty."

Matt was right. I should quit stressing and start giving my mind some rest, even though that would be easier said than done.


The next morning Evelyne was already making breakfast when I stepped into the kitchen. "Morning."

"Hey girl, I hope you had good dreams." She looked up at me with a smile.

"Are Matt and Rebecca still sleeping?" I asked her as there wasn't any trace of them as far as I had seen.

"Rebecca still is yes." Evelyne nodded before focusing on breakfast again.

"What about Matt?" I asked her

"You won't be seeing Matt anymore Raych. I guess his family needed him with them."

"Ah yes, the close bonds of the Samoan family. If one is in trouble, 10 other family members come to help." I smiled. It was something I had always appreciated about their family. "So, it's just us girls then?"

Evelyne nodded "How about we go for some mani-pedis once Rebecca wakes up?"

"I was summoned?" Rebecca chuckled as she walked in at that exact moment.

"Yeah, Evy was suggesting some mani-pedis. It's just us girls now so we might as well make it a full-on pampering day."

"Guess we are going to the spa then." Evelyn decided "But first, breakfast."


Turns out that a spa day was exactly what I needed. We were currently getting massages and it was doing wonders for my stress level.

"I don't know if we should bring this up but I'm too curious not to ask but when did you start to have a thing for Joe?" Rebecca asked. "You never really told me that."

"Well, it's actually always been like that." I chuckled as I remembered

"But I thought Joe and you didn't like each other at first." Evelyne said.

"I haven't told you that story yet either?" I asked confused.

"Nope." Evelyne replied "Now spill."

"Well, it all started a few years before you and I met" I started as I looked at Evelyne

"I was obsessed with this teddy bear that I had as a kid. I would take it everywhere with me. To school, to the park, to the grocery store. It really never left my side. By the time I was 11 years old though, other kids bullied me over it. Granted, I really was too old for it but I just really loved the thing that much. One day, when they were bullying me on a playground, there was this man who stood up for me. That man was Matt. He didn't intend to become my friend as he was way older than I was but he was really against bullying. We found out that he and his family lived close by my house and his younger brother was a lot closer to my age. Joe was 15 at the time and of course didn't want to have anything to do with an 11-year-old girl as it 'wasn't cool'. The first time I saw Joe though was also the day I got my first crush. Even as a 15-year-old he was handsome. I only didn't like him at first as he, my crush, didn't seem to like me in the slightest either. It seemed like that was just the way it would be until one of my classmates at the time had punched me. When they saw me with a black eye that day Matt had to actually hold Joe back from trying to go after the guy that had punched me. Instead, he started focusing on taking care of my black eye and headache. We finally had a real conversation that day and have been friends ever since."

"I would have let Joe go and beat up the guy who punched you." Rebecca said after thinking it over for a moment.

"I didn't want him to get in trouble." I shrugged "But yeah, I've basically had feelings for the guy from the start."

"Must have been hard for you when he met his ex-wife then."

"It was, but she made Joe happy and that was all that mattered to me." I sighed. "It's still all that really matters to me. I just hope he will forgive me eventually." 

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