Chapter 33

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Joe's POV,

I looked at my brother the moment Raychel had left. She had been here because her and Matt had wanted to plan a surprise party for my birthday.

"Dude why don't you just ask Evelyne out? I know you like her." I asked him.

"I'm just scared, what if she says no? I mean I'm not the best-looking guy and she is just so beautiful and perfect." He sighed.

Whether Evelyne knew it or not, she had my brother wrapped around his fingers. I hoped a pep talk would help.

"Dude don't underestimate yourself, you are an Anoa'i. And besides a girl who is shallow enough to only fall for someone's appearance isn't worth our time." I assured him, only then realizing that my advice had sounded like something Raychel would say.

"Dude you realize that you just sounded like my best friend, right?" He asked with a chuckle.

"We've known her for years. It was bound to rub off on me at some point."

"Or maybe it's the fact that you have a major crush on her." He pointed out.

"I do not." I denied firmly.

"Oh yeah? Then why do you glare at every guy that even so much as hugs her." Matt raised an eyebrow.

"I don't glare at you when you hug her."

"Yeah, because I like Evelyne and am clearly no threat. Just admit it, you like Raych."

I rolled my eyes and turned to leave "I don't have time for this. I'm going to the gym."

Over the days that followed I kept thinking of my conversation with Matt. Course he had been right, I was crazy about Raychel. But she deserved someone who would be by her side at all times, someone who'd be able to give her whatever she desired, someone to protect her.

I wouldn't be good enough for her. I was on the road a lot for work, doing a job she hated, and couldn't give her nearly as much as she deserved.

I got ripped out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I saw that it was Matt that was calling me. I suddenly felt dread throughout my body but decided to answer anyways

"Matt? Hey what's up?" I asked, hoping my gut was wrong about this.

"Evy called, Raych just got taken to the hospital. It's not good bro." Matt told me in panic.

Matt cared about Raychel like a baby sister so of course he was worried. "I'll pick you up, I'm on my way."

I raced to pick up Matt and managed to get to the hospital in record time. Evelyne and Ana, Raychel's mother, were already there.

"How is she? What happened?" Matt asked.

"Her body shut itself down, she's in a coma. We don't know any more than that." Ana told us in tears.

Matt immediately went to comfort her while I decided to call my boss to let them know that I'd be taking time off.

My family and the McMahons had been long time friends. Once I had explained to Vince and Stephanie what was going on they told me to take all the time I needed. What I didn't expect though was for Stephanie to fly down to Pensacola.

"I could hear the distress in your voice Joe, you sounded like you could use some friends." Stephanie explained to me before revealing that a couple of my coworkers and friends had come with her as well.

It was explained to us that Sepsis was what had caused Raychel to collapse and that she should be waking up once the antibiotics would do their job.

The longer Raychel stayed in her coma, the more depressed I started to feel. It was like the world was less bright without her in it. Colby and Jon of course stayed by my side and supported me through it all but to my surprise so did my cousin's wife Trinity and her good friend Rebecca.

Months passed and Raychel still didn't wake up. It was hard for me but the realization started to dawn on me that she might never be waking up at all and that maybe I should start to try and move on.

Rebecca and I had grown close over those passing months. She had been a good friend and I knew that she had a kind heart so eventually I ended up asking her out.

I was surprised when she agreed and we ended up as a couple.

And then something happened. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to deal with besides Raychel's coma. My brother Matt passed away 10 days after his 47th birthday due to congestive heart failure.

It was a hard time for me and Rebecca stayed with me throughout it all and eventually she seemed to make my life a little easier again. So, after a year of dating, I ended up proposing to her.

The way I went about it wasn't exactly romantic. I asked her when we were visiting Raychel in the hospital. I knew Raychel probably wouldn't wake up anymore at this point as it had been nearly two years but, in the end, she was still one of my oldest and best friends. I already regretted that I wouldn't be able to share this moment with my brother but at least this way I could still share it with my best friend.

Weeks passed by and everything seemed to be going good between me and Rebecca. We had just gotten back from a European tour so now we were traveling separately again. After all, we were both on different brands.

I was just about to text her when I heard a soft knock on my door. I frowned and got up to check it out, thinking it could be Colby or Jon.

I opened the door but to my surprise it wasn't any of my shield brothers. My eyes widened in shock as she smiled up at me. It was a real and genuine smile. Then she softly called out my name, which shook me back to reality.


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